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186 · Nov 2023
Quote 174🌷
Don’t look too long
too deep
in those eyes.
You wil meet yourself.

Shell     ✨🐚
Watch closely and look
Wow we are so much alike.
185 · Jan 2021
Like the sea meets the
Like the sea touches the shore
Always moving
and so much more.
We all have the same feelings. As long as we live feelings will be there, all kind changing day by day.
184 · Apr 2021
Full moon 🌕
Bright moon
Golden full
Circle of the night
Beautiful disk
So bright
Everything lights up
Whenever you appear
Creating this romantic picture.
Makes the oceans sing
the oceans blues
Calming you.
Make lovers whisper in the ear
loneliness disappears
Shine o shine
Your mystical light.
Attract the waves of sea
Different tides to be.
Shine your light
let darkness be over.

Shell ✨🐚
Full moon,
184 · Feb 2022
Quote 92🌷
Sometimes all  it takes is one song
to bring a long forgotten memory to the surface.
Emotions unchanged.

Shell ✨🐚
184 · Jul 2022
Haiku ( let’s meet)
hot gentle breeze
want to meet my loved one
in red rose garden

Shell ✨🐚
184 · Jul 2021
Through their eyes
My happiness is gone
tears in my eyes
Only sadness
When I know I am not welcome
No one wants me in their land
I’ve been running from my once called home
They smoked us away
Do you know how that feels?
To know that nowhere on this earth there is a place for me?
Where I’m welcome to stay and build a home?
You judge me because?
I am just a child, I am lost
Walked miles every day in sun and rain with stomach pain.
A burden in everybody’s land
Yes I know it’s theirs,
their right by birth.
I have none.
They let me know every second that passes by that
I’m not welcome here and nowhere.
Can you imagine  how that feels?
Do you know where and how I live? You wouldn’t last a day.
Only sadness on my mind
Eyes filled with tears all the time. Emptiness inside.
So much pain so much grief.
Is it fair to be a child like me?
Just because!!
You could easily have been me.
Think about that.

Shell ✨🐚
Refugee children walking from Myanmar to Bangladesh. Breaks your heart only thinking about all refugee children.
184 · May 2022
Quote 115🌷
While flowers bloom till their colors fade away
Trees grow taller everyday
Every new day
a beginning or an end.

Shell ✨🐚
184 · Feb 2022
Night bees
Cactus flower in desert land
Waiting patiently for the night
to be kissed by the bats.

Fresh morning
Bluest of skies
Not one cloud to be seen
The sun in your eyes
Warm breeze
Beach sand tickling the feet
Close your eyes
Let it be
Do what you must today
Have fun
You don’t know what will come your way
You don’t know what tomorrow brings
and ...... if it comes along.
Carpe diem!!

Shell ✨🐚
183 · Apr 2023
Quote 147🌷
People feeling for other people
that is what
makes a better world.

Shell ✨🐚
182 · Aug 2023
Little gifts of life.
Two blue sapphire like eyes looking at me.
I felt myself melting.
A very little teddy bear like Pekingese pup.
He seemed a merry baby dog
with wiggling tail and all.
While caressing him with my eyes I saw a little movement in the corner of my sight.
That’s when I saw him.
The other one.
The brother.
Two shiny black diamonds looking at me
in silence.
He was just sitting very still.
With such anticipation,  it pinned me down.
There was an instant connection.
He was everything the other was not.
And I loved them instantly,
the black sparkles touched my core.

I took both.
Blue eyes died when he was nine.
My sweet black glittering eyes love
died last year .
He was fourteen.
I grieved a long time.
The sadness is still there.
Deep within.
Invisible pain
Like hidden translucent pearls
behind the eyes.

Shell ✨🐚
Let your pets enrich your life.
182 · Jun 2023
Soft imagination
While living in extreme drought of lands
Sitting under a brown silhouette tree
Many questions are overwhelming me.
Am I born on the wrong side of Earth,
no one seems to understand or care.
I look at the shivering air in front of me
Must walk miles to get me some water.
Thirsty throat made me feel drowsy
I close my eyes sitting here.
Pretending I am in a land with pastel colors
I see a beach with rolling waves
A soft blue of sky and waters.
Never saw a beach before but it’s good
to be there now.
Cool breeze is touching me
I feel goosebumps creeping on my skin.
I can hear the sounds of ocean
In my mind it made me sleepy
Drifting away drifting away
Further more further more.
Realize I want to keep drifting to never
to  return to land of thirst.
Please God keep me here.

When feeling trapped, close your eyes.
Let your imagination carry you.

Shell ✨🐚
Think about all the children living under these circumstances. In famine . Pray.
182 · Jul 2022
Haiku( lingering love)
behind a cloud you hide
in my dreams I search for you
lingering moon love

Shell ✨🐚
182 · Dec 2022
Haiku-Classic Christmas
Cold white winter night
Warm laughter , open presents
Classic Christmas Eve

Shell ✨🐚
181 · Apr 2023
Blue love
Moonlight’s yellow
gives pink cherry blossom tree
peach flowers everywhere.
Meet you by the lake after twilight’s hour
Lay me down on a bed of subtle scent.
It’s a love that can never breathe
Listening to the call of nightingales
I close my eyes and let go
while tears are falling sideways.

Shell ✨🐚
While love can be blue life is full of colors too.
Blending gems of God’s creations,
creating Mother Nature’s painting.
Variety in so many ways
Different shapes and colors.
See life moving,
hear the sounds breathing.
Waters soft hymn’s
Whispers of the wind
leaves dancing.

Shell ✨🐚
See and appreciate Earth, this world and each other. Make it a wonderful World.
Stop the wars! Please.
179 · Aug 2021
Guide dog 🐕
Till the end you and me
Many sunrises, sunsets and twilight
Through your eyes I see
Can’t ask for a more faithful friend  
One who will always lead and never leaves
Dear accompanion of me.

Shell ✨🐚
The guide dog means everything for the blind. The sunrises and sunsets are metaphors of course.
179 · Apr 2021
From far beyond
From far beyond I watched you
From far beyond you touched me
Like a sunbeam under the sea
My innercore
My soul
My spirit
I’ve been waiting for so long
From far beyond
You warm me.
Like never before
Find  what you’ve  been searching for.

Shell ✨🐚
Some people are like sunbeams in your life! As is our Creator!
179 · Feb 2021
Little things
See  beauty in all the little
things around you and
you will be happy
all the time.

When you look around you will find so much beauty in nature!!
178 · Dec 2023
The clock is ticking towards midnight hour.
Towards end of just another year.

Soon last season will be over,
time to leave behind all that’s gone by
Just like fall’s fallen leaves.

Time for reflection can begin.

Keys are there for doors to open.

To unlock life’s hidden mysteries
but  also to close doors
to all that’s in the past,

time for forgiveness sets in.

Another chance is given
to make wrongs right.

 It’s time for a new begin.

Every season has it’s own charm.

Every year it’s own mystery.

Every day in life you have the chance
for new beginnings.

Every day can bring you light.

Wish you and your beloveds a blessed
and peaceful Year.

May there be World Peace too someday.


Shell ✨🐚
Happy and blessed 2024.
178 · Feb 2021
Holy ground
When you bury a love one
under the ground
Life gets another meaning
So does death
The earth you walk on
becomes holy ground
How many are buried
where we walk on.

Shell ✨🐚
Death will always be part of life!
Still very hard to cope with, over and over again! Reality.
178 · Jan 2021
In the end
In the end
It doesn’t matter
Who you are
Where you’re from
What you have
The great things you’ve done
All that matters is
what  you shared.
and how you cared.
for everyone.
Feel free
In the end.

What is the purpose of this life
177 · Feb 2023
Sad world, advanced
Ghostlike appearances,
next to each other.
Without seeing or talking
Only sharing with the world.

Shell ✨🐚
All people do is look at their phones
From early morning till late at night.
177 · Jul 2021
Clock is ticking
while time stands still
It’s time to go home
to the colorful bougainvillea.

Shell ✨🐚
177 · Feb 2021
Growing old
Will you remember

When we grow old
Sweet Love of mine
Will you still remember
The time that we were young
And you did surrender

When nothing was too much for you
To keep me satisfied
To hold my hand all through
the night
Till morning light arrive

Will you remember
how you held me tight
So I would dream so sweet
A love that felt so deep inside
My love promise me.....

When time is there
and  we must part
When angels make their call
to follow them back into the light
Promise me my love
Promise me  you’ll wait
till  angels come for me
So that I too
can surrender now
My sweetest love of all.
Will you remember me?

It’s a vey painful and sad experience when you lose ;someone you love little by little.
177 · Nov 2022
Oh my beautiful dog, are you lost?
Do you feel my desperation
Yes I am sad and lonely, lost the old lady
after 50 years of togetherness.
Surrounded by stillness and blurred view.
Everything seems to happen in slow motion these days.
Don’t you have a home my friend
Do you want to go home with me?
Don’t look at me with  such
a questionable look.
I could use the company you know
Not a bad idea.
Let’s share the pain, let’s share the love.
So much love left inside of me.
It’s been long that I felt someone else’s consciousness.
We connect.
What should I call you.
I know you are “Precious “
Come on Precious let’s go home.

Shell ✨🐚
The old man and the lost dog
176 · Dec 2021
Rain of night
Rain of night
Wash away all dirt of day
Bring coolness in the air
Soothing sound you sing
To give peace of mind
Like a lullaby
you ease the inner me
Lull me into sleep

Shell ✨🐚
176 · Jan 2023
Devastating grief
I am so blue
There is a storm hidden within me
At night I’m back in my dark dream, back at the sea
Dark heavens surrounding my fears
Restless waves inside of me.
Over turbulent waters I see eternity
Still waiting , you’re not there.

Shell ✨🐚
Losing your loved one
176 · Jun 2021
Summer time
Summer time
Sunny warm days
Everything green
Flower paradise
see you flutter by
From flower to flower
Happy birds chirping
all day long
Bringing food after baby calls
Delicate creations of nature
Beautiful garden of Eden
Stil exists in summer.

176 · Feb 2022
Quote 90🌷
the medals of your life.
Wear them proudly.

Shell ✨🐚
175 · Sep 2022
Climate change ( haiku)
trembling fire smog
orange mirror in sun waves
abandoned flood land

Shell ✨🐚
175 · Aug 2021
Be my path
People walk on paths
Alone, together
In times for worse or better
I will ask you ,  
Walk with me
even when there is no path.
Be my path.

Shell ✨🐚
Loneliness is good
Togetherness is better
175 · Mar 2021
In my mind
I saw you smiling
You just made my day!
I’ll smile all day.

Shell ✨🐚
Someone can make your day.
175 · Jul 2021
Exotic banded broadbill
Natural colored bird
Sitting in the subtropical forest.
You look like you flied out of a just finished painting
with all the fresh painting like strokes which finish your bright colored feathers,
bright beak that makes you the beautiful bird you are.
Surrounded by all the exotic wildflowers
you blend right in where you are.
Your conservation status makes you interesting and they all want to pin you down.
Your song resonates in your appearance,
you’re a delight for ears and eyes.

Beautiful bird with exceptional bright colors.
174 · Jan 21
Being true
They say, nothing lasts forever,
but I can assure you
My love for you
will last longer then their forever
because long after you’ll be gone
my love for you
will still stand true.

Shell ✨🐚
True love never dies, no matter what.
Stays in the heart.
174 · Jan 2022
A walk in the snow ❄️
Walking on a field of snow
On a day of loneliness
Shimmering crystals everywhere.
Looking up at a clear blue sky
Saw a black  eagle
flying high
Lay me down on a silent song
To be gently kissed
by a soft cold breeze
It’s shivering inside of me.
I realize
I’m  still missing you.

Shell ✨🐚
Missing a loved one
174 · Mar 2021
Just saying
As long as people love power
more then they do people
As long as people love money more then they do people
World peace will be far away!

Shell ✨🐚
We must love each other more!!
At the end money and power won’t help you!!
A child being formed in the womb is magical.
The development on its own, day by day, is still a miracle.
Don’t let this child suffer.
Every child deserves to be welcome, happy and feeling safe all the time.
A child didn’t ask to be born.
I wish and pray for the day that  every child seeing day of light
will become a light on its own
and shine.

Shell ✨🐚
Happy children will make a happy world someday.
173 · Mar 2021
A soul in pain
Broken by the many
unseen scars
Bleeding heart
Searching for relief
In the dark we hide
like a broken animal
While some sing a sad song
and others pray.

Shell ✨🐚
When it comes to pain we react like animals do!! After all we are human beings.
171 · Dec 2022
Classic Christmas card
Falling cotton dots from above
Kissing land
Blanket of clouds on earth
Making a white brand new world
The birth of winter wonderland
Time stands still or so it seems
Proud trees, waiting ,
no movement
Frozen leaves
When evening falls
All lights are on
Beautiful Christmas decorations, shining, sparkling
Wonder of colors
Creating this one of a kind holiday view
A classic Christmas card in the making.

Shell ✨🐚
Christmas 🎄 time is near
171 · Mar 2021
Just one look
Just one gaze into my eyes
And we both knew
Just one look
That’s all it took.
Sometimes you just know
The recognition of two souls!!

Shell ✨🐚
Falling in love is an instant thing!!
170 · Jan 2023
Keyholes in life
Standing in the dark, locked up
Inside myself
Little dot of light I see while praying
Coming through my keyhole.
Seeing people just like me
Living life, walking, talking all dressed up.
Living dolls locked up in their selves looking for their key.

Shell ✨🐚
Everybody should be free living  the life they want  to. Life is too short for less.
170 · Feb 2022
In love
Up I fall
Deeply, all gravity gone
Endless song so fine
Forever smile on face of mine.

Shell ✨🐚
We all fall in love.
169 · Jan 2022
She moved very silently, afraid to make a footstep noise.
She stood at one spot the whole time as if she was furniture.
And no one was aware that she stood there .
No one cared.

When you’re not allowed to express yourself
In any given situation, in any kind of relationship you stop existing.
When your word or your opinion doesn’t matter, you don’t matter!
He who isn’t heard isn’t seen either.
That means you lose your sense of self worth.
We must never allow such a situation to happen to anyone.
We all are equal and we must love and protect each other.

Silent is the one who can only speak after getting permission.
Lost inside because in the world outside he doesn’t exist.

Shell ✨🐚
Equal rights for everyone.
169 · Mar 2022
Quote 102🌷
It only takes one split second
in time
to change a life forever .
Treasure yours.

169 · Mar 2021
Deep within
Deep in my eyes
there is hidden passion
Deep in my heart
there is hidden love
Deep in my mind
there is hidden thought
Deep in my soul
there is hidden pain
Deep in my spirit
there is God!!
Deep in me is....
a reflection of you

Shell ✨🐚
Deep within we are all the same
168 · Mar 2021
Passionate love
My love for you is strong.
Like a branch of an olive tree.
Always moving with the wind.
Passionately, where I belong
Always bending effortless.
For the whole world to see.
Desires sensual and endless
Close your eyes
Wait for me!

Where there is love there will be passion!
168 · Dec 2021
Haiku- Goldfinch
golden passerine
symbol of prosperity
sacred bird you are

168 · Nov 2022
Another day goes by
And while the world is changing around us
Orange clouds are taking over the sky
Souls of people are rising up to the heavens while yet another sunset is painting the sky.
Every day loved ones die
Meeting of spirits will soon happen while Earthlings cry.
Story of all our lives.

Shell  ✨🐚
167 · Aug 2022
Caresses on beaches sunset
As the wind blows
at the birth of night
at beaches view
Love and passion flare up
like a flame on smoldering fire
Feel the breeze
like soft red silk caresses
on my naked skin,
watching the horizon disappear.

Shell ✨🐚
Beaches sunset
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