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167 · Apr 2021
Love ❤️
The beauty of love
It’s inexhaustible
It’s free
It’s pure
Knows no distance
All it takes is a good heart
May you always give and receive love.

Shell ✨🐚
Love is all it takes to make this world a better place for everyone!
167 · Jul 2023
Fairytale true stories
Silent flower
Waiting for the sun
To bloom and to be kissed
So much beauty inside
Ready to show off.
Lonely woman
Waiting for her Prince
To make her heart flutter
To bloom and to be kissed
So much love inside
Ready to give.

And when the sun came
The prince arrived
The flower started to bloom
Lonely woman opened her eyes
She started to glow.
Flower in paradise.

Then came the butterflies and the bees.
To make sure everywhere flowers would appear.
The prince took his lady by the hand.
To live happily ever after,
to never be lonely again.

True stories begin
With hearts filled with love.
To make this world a beautiful flower garden with white doves.
All people living together in harmony and peace.

It’s on us the people, to
let this fairytale come true.

Shell ✨🐚
We humans are like different flowers
Making this Earth a beautiful flower garden.
Let’s live in  peace and harmony with each other to make this world a happy peaceful place for you and me.
167 · Aug 2022
Caresses on beaches sunset
As the wind blows
at the birth of night
at beaches view
Love and passion flare up
like a flame on smoldering fire
Feel the breeze
like soft red silk caresses
on my naked skin,
watching the horizon disappear.

Shell ✨🐚
Beaches sunset
Looking at morning moon
In early light of day
Saw little hill like dunes
shining in moonlights charm.
The moon was in the center of this beautiful halo frame
Couldn’t stop looking
At landscapes in morning sky
coming to life  and making my day.

Shell ✨🐚
Always try to enjoy all of nature.
Makes you thankful and happy.
167 · May 5
It’s our time once more.
Meeting between bright colors.
I’m happy and free.
Singing our  song together.
When bluebirds meet
on wings of daffodils
there is hope all over.
Birth of new beginnings.

Shell ✨🐚
Spring season of life.
166 · Jun 22
I kissed the day, it turned
into night.
I waited…. and…
you brought the moon.
Making my dreams come true.
Along came the dawn.
With break of day
you were going away.
Birth of the sun
Making me blush and bloom
while waiting for you.
My moon.

Happiness means letting go
while staying whole.

Shell ✨🐚
166 · May 2022
At the end of every day
choose me
Over and over
Like I choose you
at the end of every day
Over and over
Till end of days.
Till end of time
Till there are no tomorrows.

Shell ✨🐚
That’s what true love means
166 · May 2023
Let the blind show you.
Sitting in a tree the blind owl
saw everything the bat didn’t see.
It didn’t matter if it was day or night .

Quote 155🌷

To do good
Live a life in service of others.
Helping those in need,
those who can’t help themselves.
For that,
one doesn’t need seeing eyes
but a good heart.
When the eyes don’t see
the inner eye takes over.
In darkness one can not only hear more
but feel more too.

I don’t see but let me show you the way.

Many religious people go to church and pray everyday but don’t love their neighbors.
We have to change our ways.

Shell ✨🐚
Always do good . At least try.
Praying alone isn’t enough .
166 · Apr 2021
Quote 11🌷
Don’t make a spider web
to become trapped in it yourself.

Shell ✨🐚
Many build a life and at the end they don’t feel free anymore. Priorities are vey important. Don’t lose yourself along the way.
166 · Apr 2021
Together apart
In my sleep
That’s when we meet.
That’s when I see.
With all the clarity of daylight.
With all the mystic mysteries of night.
The answers to all the riddles
Let me wipe the tears.
Let me take you by the hand.
You’re not alone.
You see when I close my eyes
I’m with you
All along in a never ending song.
As a jewel buried within.
In the heart forever.
Because true love knows no distance.

Shell ✨🐚
Love overcomes every hurdle every distance !!
165 · May 2021
Quote 34🌷
Carpe diem
Seize the day
Say I love you today.
No one knows if tomorrow comes!

164 · Feb 2022
Quote 88🌷
Everything  you do
or don’t do
depends on your health.
Do your part
live healthy.
Don’t wait to get sick first
to appreciate health.

Shell ✨🐚
Being healthy, the greatest gift of all.
164 · Apr 2021
Heavenly blue
Want to make me a dress
With a piece of the sky
Yes  that’s right
Something heavenly blue
I like to try

Will it feel like silky blue satin
Will it have
cloudy white dots,
Warm yellow beams or a
Colorful   touch  

Guess it depends on the weather
How it turns out te be
this heavenly dress
exclusively for me

I know !!!!
I”ll  make it at midnight !!
this blue dress of mine
To have
bright sparkling diamonds
As  stars kissing the sky!
O beautiful
Midnight blue dress of mine.

Shell 🐚✨
163 · Mar 2021
The one watching
One single eye
Watching everything  
Seeing al the bad
The ones in pain
Robbery, abuse, ****
I can go on
But also all the good
Others taking care
Doing good without gain
You can’t hide from His eye
At night when the moon
is there.

Shell ✨🐚
Your deeds will never go unnoticed!!
Always try to do good!!
163 · Oct 2021
Bird of paradise
Tropical flower of paradise
In warm places you are.
Beautiful and strong you stand  facing sun, wind and storms
all the time.
You represent the people’s heart with your glamorous look.
Bring joy to those
who can’t take their eyes
off of you.
Freedom and faithfulness you stand for.
Bird, free you are
Your form and colors so unique,
you truly represent tropical paradise.

Shell ✨🐚
Beautiful tropical flower
Color me orange flower moon
When you’re near and full
Watching my beauty
That’s when I’ll bloom
in the light of night.
Sun of dark,
I’m so in love with you.

Shell ✨🐚
Desert flowers bloom at night.
160 · Nov 2021
A new day
The day is awakening
Like a soft white rose
in morning dew
opening  it’s petals
The sun shines through
Thankfulness overwhelms.
To see yet another day.

Shell ✨🐚
Don’t take any day for granted
160 · Apr 2021
Quote 22🌷
Own your worth.
You’re all you have.
Leave a sparkle wherever
you go✨✨

160 · Feb 2022
Midnight hour
Deserted streets
Some bursting with life
Food streets
Money to earn
While tasting cultures
Children asleep.
are born, others die.
Crimes which
couldn’t see daylight
Homeless on streets in the cold.
Dogs keep barking
Birds sitting quiet
Couples making love
Others trying to sleep.

159 · Feb 2021
Music and fragrance
both shortcuts
to our long term

159 · Sep 2021
Looking through my window
Can’t help myself but smile
The view is so romantic
Makes me daydream all day long
Peddling over still waters
In our wooden canoe to a destiny under the sun.

Shell ✨🐚
159 · May 2022
Sunflowers 🌻
Have you ever been in a field of flowers,
Yellow flowers in the sun!
Did you know they are always
turning ,
Always turning to the sun
Did you know they are always
Always sharing all the light.
That’s what love should be between us
like those flowers in the sun
always sharing always caring
always turning to the Light
What a beautiful sight!

Shell ✨
Living in harmony together.
That’s what life is all about.
159 · Jun 2021
Quote 45🌷
Don’t pick flowers tomorrow
Pick them today
Don’t wait to say
“ I love you”
Do it today

158 · Sep 2021
Golden sunset 🌅
Golden sunset

Crystal  ball in pre night sky
Floating on orange waters
Bright light from departing sun
Golden shine in twilight zone
Waiting for the moon to rise
When the sun says goodbye.

Shell ✨🐚
Golden sunset
Over and over again
never two times the same.
158 · Feb 2022
Kiss of rain
Rain of night
Wash away all dirt of day
Flower buds peep in fresh
morning dew.

Shell ✨🐚
158 · Mar 2021
Quote 9🌷
Don’t judge not knowing me
Don’t judge knowing me
Don’t judge at all !

Shell ✨🐚
Never judge.
158 · Jan 2022
The wound
The aura is broken
Open wound, for anything to come in
Either to be  hurt more
or to let the healing begin.
The wounded mind heals with care, trust.
With love
Let’s heal each other.

Shell ✨🐚
156 · May 2022
In the shadows of the day
Under moonlights starry night
I’ll be restless all the time
Missing you .......still.

Shell ✨🐚
155 · Apr 2022
Spring field
Sunshine breeze,
green land in nuances
glow on yellow fields
Pastel flowers everywhere
In my hair
I’m blending in with nature
Reflections in still waters
Under clear blue sky.
Colorful song in heart of mine.

Shell ✨🐚
Another lovely spring day
155 · Jun 5
Letters unsend.
like unsend letters
Putting it out there.
Sending them to the universe.
Like traveling stars from afar.
Hoping they reach their destination.
For the one to read and understand.

A star for you.
155 · May 2023
Let every child just be….
Beautiful as a Sunday morning
Like a lovely wildflower
growing free.
Just happy to be
Dancing in the wind.

Shell ✨🐚
Every child deserves to be happy.!
Let us try more.
Wishful thinking?
154 · Apr 2021
Quote 16🌷
It’s not enough
for me
to say that you love me!
You have to make me feel
that you love me.

Shell ✨🐚
Words are just words!
154 · Apr 2021
Quote 27🌷
Don’t waste your life
waiting for someone from afar
While the one who  cares is standing  nearby!

Shell ✨🐚
153 · Oct 2022
Autumn, twilight zone
Autumn bud
Start blooming
Let your golden colors
soften my restless mind
Prelude to inner peace
Preparing me for reflection time
I am in twilight zone
Soon togethernesses
Coziness with
friends and family.

Shell ✨🐚
Autumn time twilight zone of seasons
Twilight zone of the year.
153 · Feb 2021
Dream day
When we’re asleep
And the nights are heavy with fog
that’s when our dreams are
awakening and another
dream day takes off.

It’s a whole other world
Where everything impossible
possible now
Where dreams are no dreams
but reality now
Where everything you wish for comes true  and everything
negative a positive somehow

When you wake up
with a smile on your face
You’ve been visiting dreamworld today.
Wondering why the hell did I wake up!!
Sometimes dreamworld is the better world to stay.
Especially nowadays!!!

Shell ✨🐚
We all like to daydream!  Dreaming at night brings you to your daydream!!
152 · Feb 2023
Empty chairs of life
It seems not so very long ago
The two of us, together by the sea
Watching nature’s charm in harmony .
The melody of kissing waves the only sound to hear.
With you by my side I didn’t care
Now , just a memory of what used to be
All by myself still watch the tides
Can feel your presence next to me.
While looking at those empty chairs,
I realize that after all this years
Still miss your peaceful being.

Shell ✨🐚
We all end alone. First two then one.
Sometimes after decades of being together.
It’s heartbreaking.
We all are confronted with “ empty chairs of life “
at certain point.
151 · Aug 2023
Unique white bark trees
American Aspen,
Dalmatian  like bark trees.
Yellow fall leaves falling.
Creating soft forest path.
Leading us
to just another gloomy sunrise.

Shell  ✨🐚
The American Aspen, such unique white bark tree.
151 · Mar 9
Quote 183🌷
While flowers bloom till their colors fade away
Trees grow taller everyday
Every new day a beginning or an end.
Every day a choice you make.

Shell ✨🐚
Somethings in life we can’t control.
Sometimes we can by making the right choice.
151 · Aug 2021
Autumn is here look around
A different view appears
Summer is gone
Other feelings arrive
Time to slow down
Take it all in,  adjust your pace
Green leaves leave
Landscapes are down
All one of a kind
Different shades is what you see
Beautiful leafless tree shapes appear
look with an open mind
The beauty of a greenless land, behold
different shades of brown and gold
Caressing the eyes.
Sooting the mind
Feeding  the soul.
It’s time for coziness inside
Time for peace of mind

Shell ✨🐚
Different season different feelings.
149 · May 2023
Dear mom,
I’m so happy with you
When I grow up
I build you a pink house
next to me.

Shell ✨🐚
Happy Mother’s Day to all.
149 · Mar 2021
Simple words
Can say so much
Touches were it hurts
to much
Simple words
Can lift you up
From bottom low
To sky high tops

Choose your words wisely.

Shell ✨🐚
People will always remember when you hurt them with your words but also when you said a kind inspiring word!!
A life lived under control
of someone else isn’t living.
Go where you want to go
Do what you want to do
Say what you want to say
Be what you want to be
Only then you can say
Yes this is truly me!!

Happy women’s day !!

Shell ✨🐚
149 · Dec 2021
Quote 78🌷
Know your worth and the world will too.

148 · Mar 2021
No one told me so
Where will the wind take my soul
cherry blossom tree?

The cherry tree the gateway  to heaven
148 · Jul 2021
As night falls
And it’s my turn to appear in full.
I never know what comes by
What I will see
These eyes of the moon
Tonight it’s an adventurous night
I witness a play in the sky.
Out of the clouds
a big poodle appeared
accompanied by  a cow in the south
a big eyed robot was looking their way
Maybe they all wanted to play
Just as I was shining my light
on this stage
a big alien like cloud was coming this way
blocking my sight.
In a second my beautiful image will be gliding away
Driven by the wind
Dear poodle and cow will be no more.
Alien like creature
will be washed  away
when heavy rain falls.

Shell ✨🐚
Imagination,  clouds  in the sky and in your mind.
148 · Jul 2021
Scent and music
Both shortcuts to long term memory
Fragrance imbedded in my mind
Fragrance of a very special kind
Aroma of food or the scent of freshly mowed grass
Like parfume of the cherry blossoms
Rising up to heaven
Walking through the streets
memories of what used to be
connected with all senses.
A long lost melody
bringing  everything back to life right before my eyes.
Pleasure, pain and delight.
All feelings
like a long forgotten song
Stays  forever in the mind.

Precious memories stay forever with us. That’s a beautiful thing.
147 · Jul 2021
New morning
Walking in the early morning
Before the sun showed up
With dew in my hair
While birds are not yet flying
It’s so calm out here
I can smell the freshness
of wet grass and clean  air
Heavy scent of blossoms
Waiting for the sun to rise
To open all the patels to become
a colorful paradise
I welcome you beautiful new morning
with happiness and gratitude.

Shell ✨🐚
Always be thankful for the new day.
147 · Nov 2023
Winter cabin by the lake
Immaculate white velvet kisses.
Covering little wooden cabin
by the lake
in peaceful quiet,
not a sound.
Christmas trees in nature
standing perfectly still,
shivering in winter’s cold.
Waiting patiently for cozy nights to come along.
With a family sitting around the fire
drinking hot chocolate
singing Christmas songs.
It’s the memory of my childhood.
When my folks were still around.
The time for new memories is now,
feelings of deja vu on my minds

Shell ✨🐚
Christmas time is near.
147 · Feb 2022
Haiku ( orchid)
bright colored orchid
proud you stand on sunny days
ancient forest queen.

Shell ✨🐚
147 · Dec 2021
Rose garden
Future roses in morning dew
For light of sun to shine
To bring new hope each day
For blooming of rose gardens
rituals all the way
Gardens golden time
Splendor of roses
Caressing the eyes
Soothing the mind

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