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A collection of words dancing upon the blank
canvas of my screen.
Mocking me, they sit
unaudited, unfiltered, nonsensical strings
of words that fit so beautifully,
so tempestuous, they sit
 Apr 2020 SheWritesForYou
as language slides

derivative syllables.

therefore pure.

i somehow new what

your were going to

Smoke which drifts and curls
Feeding the senses
Frosty beginnings
Bacon on the hob
Snow in the air
Crackled brown leaves on warm wood fires
Frozen Pine and tar on the door
A needle sharp morning
Crisp as a whisper
Brim full
With the scent of a mountain winter
Essence of bottled sometime
A perfume of the past
 Apr 2020 SheWritesForYou
For my moon,

I'm forever sorry that for you
Morning came to soon
Do you sit like fire before rain,
calmly in the wind crackling along,
with a vinyl static hiss?
 Apr 2020 SheWritesForYou
as my city

emits its heart...

i stroll through

my burrough

like Nasir.

"It Ain't Hard to Tell".
 Apr 2020 SheWritesForYou
In destiny's hands
Two wandering souls found home
Bliss entered the door
This is haiku #1 and i dedicate this to the one I love. He's the reason behind the inexplicable happiness and peace I feel every day. I wanna thank him personally but  for some reason i don't know how to say it.
 Apr 2020 SheWritesForYou


They come to me.
But they never seem to go as easily
as they come to me.
I'm a simple girl.
I want nothing more than to bathe in my solitude.
But these men,
so foolish by nature
they want nothing
more than to claim me.

They threaten my essence.

And so well
I hurt them.
So well I hurt them too - my dear
So well in fact
that they come for seconds.
And when I start hurting them
I can't seem to stop.

I carry their morsels,
their names
in my every stride
in my sway lies their broken hearts.
At night, I lay on a bed of virtuous compliments.
I adorn my flesh with their promises
my skin reeks of their tenderest secrets.
My dress
a construct of their desires alone.
You will hear their fervent pleas
from time to time
concealed so effortlessly beneath my laugh
a soft cackle.

It is true.

I have dulled many lives.
Yet I have never felt more alive.
Because my dear
I’m sure that you too
would agree
I wear them well

les garçons.
- do not try to convince her that your companionship is better than her solitude
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