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Aug 2022 · 155
Dreams of love
Ndagire Shamim Aug 2022
He can be quite ordinary,
he likes to have back rubs
kisses on his neck
beard scratches are always welcome
like that would not be amazing
like it should be unnoticed
like it should be easy to give, indeed it is easy
like I shouldn't like it
yet its what I am all about

how then should I tell him
that those are the things I am good at
those are the sparks I want in my life
not just for now but for each day
Feb 2021 · 480
Unseen Walls
Ndagire Shamim Feb 2021
"you can take a man out of the village but can't take the village out of the man" unknown

you wake up everyday,
feeling owned, controlled, limited and unfulfilled.
with a big desire in your heart,
an aching in your mind,
to find your spot.

the mystery of who you are,
who you want to be,
and who you can be.
you choose your aspirations,
because your strong mind won't relent,
won't let fear pick a life for you,
exploring it you ask,
is it the past that you are afraid of?
or the unknown future that you face?
what keeps you still in bed?

you know you have always wanted to break free,
free from feeling empty,
confused, unknown, potentious but untapped,
waiting for love and acceptance.....
the standards set 1000 years and more before you,
yet your family and society expects you to live by them,
keeping you in a viscous circle of fear,
day in and day out.

so what is it that you are truly afraid of?
the you that is undiscovered,
your strength without fear,
your courage to be,
your reign without looking away from who you are.

it is time
Feb 2021 · 107
The Yearn
Ndagire Shamim Feb 2021
You wished that the busy patterns at work kept you away,
away from the meandering thoughts,
sitting sleek at the back your mind,
awaiting for a pick at you
for a go at you in the silence of your routine,
to definitely remind you of what you want.

You want him to desire you,
to make you feel like you're enough,
not a forgotten thought through the day,
a love to be remembered each day,
to acknowledge  and believe in.

The deposits of a relationship,
to a love account,
you use your emotions to connect you,
touch to bond you,
in a rythm naturally encrypted,
one only you two understand and outwardly celebrate,
in life.

You know he is human,
mostly because you hope you do understand him,
you  may not know that you do,
deposit in your account,
connect , bond and believe,
in him as much as he does in you.

You can't separate from what has been,
but you can build what you believe in,
what you both believe in,
is it what you believe in?
that's the mystery of love
or just the mystery of relationships.
Is it that when you "grow up"
you  just have to accept that those hopes in you,
may never actually come to pass.

Maybe it won't matter how much he loves you,
you will still feel empty and broken inside,
because life was harsh too early,
maybe this is it,
all you have to do now is hope that you are still in love with who you are,
the one thing that has always been true for you,


maybe yearning for yourself is the answer.
Aug 2020 · 94
Ndagire Shamim Aug 2020
we look at the world
we see what you see
love, hate, family, pain, grieve, loss, potential and more
we see that you want us to care
to use our emotions to impact happiness
bring joy in the hard times
welcome you when you feel lost
stand by you when you are unsure
we feel it all

the unspoken truths about what you fear to say
the unknown parts of yourself that you may not know
that you may not care to figure out
the parts that almost stay in the dark all our lives

we see it, we want to assure you
make you stronger than you know you are
to enjoy your life to the fullest
Aug 2020 · 182
Start It
Ndagire Shamim Aug 2020
the thoughts in the mind,
sometimes the reasons for holding back,
feeling familiar to us,
blurring out will to gain more,
seeming like excuses are true,
stopping the first step.

its within you,
you hold the strength,
the courage to see through,
allow reasons to stay that way,
excuses not to stop you,
a distinction you can only make.

remember grieve is normal,
pain is not always bad,
love is not always good either,
and continuous change is what growth is all about,
so go ahead, start it.
Dec 2018 · 235
Me & You, Whole
Ndagire Shamim Dec 2018
We love to say some things over and over
that they seem true and correct
We believe them to be fact
"You complete me"
"You are my all in all"
"I can't live with out you"
A reminder that there is a part of us living on more than food
That grows accustomed to particular habits and likings

I am my body, mind, soul and spirit
You are like me
You are a body that feeds
A mind that thinks
A soul that yearns for life
A spirit that surrounds the whole of you
Inside and out

As a child you and I were taught to bath to keep clean
To eat food to growth strong
To sleep, take a break and restart
All for the part of us to groom and grow
The body

As a teenager you and I were taught to dream for our future
To yearn for more to come
To be resilient to achieve more than what we are
To use our felt heart to connect to more in life and live to the fullest
All for the part of us to groom and grow
The soul

As youth we search for more
A purpose to define us, give us and let us understand our identity
A life long journey
A part of us that we only wish we started grooming and growing sooner, the one most people forget to carter to and acknowledge
Yet the body and mind will feed the soul, the soul the spirit and the spirit the body
A union that no man can separate

Your spirit will complete you
More than any fellow man, dream or gain will ever
A thirst only you can feel
Only you can describe
Don't let ignorance keep you away,

We can be complete; body, mind, soul and spirit.
Dec 2018 · 229
Face Up
Ndagire Shamim Dec 2018
One can assume that we all walk through life
Heading forward
Over coming our fears and getting stronger with every weakness we beat
That when life gets hard, we have over come because we obviously are made of tougher substance than they ever got a chance to know
That in our hearts we never meandered
That we were focused to the end
To the point that any sacrifice we made was never a question

We do face up
To the little dought in our hearts
To the little fear in our thoughts
To the past that we only can never forget
To the little unknown that is to come
To the fact that we are not actually in control
We face up
To the little uncertaininy that we might end up alone
To the need deep in our spirits to find ourselves
The assumption that we already have seen our deepest inside

Don't hold on too much
To the system that makes you stop
The planing that allows you to hide
The fear that keeps you from trying
The uncertainty of your deepest desire
The flaws that make you seem less
And the now that seems empty

Inspire growth
Nov 2018 · 319
Ndagire Shamim Nov 2018

walking through life
brings calm to my heart
as i know that i am progress
the process always ongoing

waiting on life
brings moments of wander
not sure if my life is in order
i wait for the things out of my control
to figure out the part i don't need to be still
the process always ongoing

wanting better for myself
i look around for options
for a chance to be more than i have
to change the almost rare said for me
the process always on going
to keep me feeling alive

i have learnt to limit when i experience
these precious moments in my life
that seem to forever be apart of me
to allow my process of growth and success to
be ongoing forever

In my Heart
love Shamie
Nov 2018 · 243
Ndagire Shamim Nov 2018
Everyday we grow
in body, spirit, mind, wisdom, insight and understanding
change is so common that we think its nothing
that it is doable and minor
until its consequences are loud in our eyes
that we feel them when we close our eyes
then we know that we are transitioning

when i look around i see
the outstanding bodies, spirits and minds
that have grown me and held me
close to allow me to feel normal through my growth
to bring needed direction to my daily transition

i felt strong even when i knew weakness
even when i saw darkness, i was firm
to the knowledge that i was still heading in the right direction
to meet my all in all my strengths
that one day i will see my direction in all exceptions

I know my calling, to be the best i can
live the best way i can
stand up tall at all times
not to mean that i am already there
so i search for the misfit
to see if i can find the unseen to my eyes
to open my body, spirit, mind and soul
that i will live without doubt

i see the potential as well
i don't want to hide in the outstanding bodies i know
the outstanding minds and best wisdom there is
to truly transition into myself

i know i will hide
if i allow myself to
constantly hide within your outstanding
body, spirit, mind, wisdom, insight and understanding
so i will commit to only myself
to searching for your body, spirit, mind, wisdom, insight and understanding when i am out of balance
to allow my own to reach the height it will reach non shielded

love shamie

— The End —