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Find solace in solitude,
There is no shame in that.
We are unknown to ourselves
An ocean to which we delve.
Scarcely coming up for air,
Entangled in fathoms
Whirlpools of despair.
Waves of introspection
Spare us shallow reefs,
Yet cast us into darkness
And the horrors of the deep.
Peppermint sigh
In the calm twilight
The moon yawns
And stretches, over the sea

Glowing, beyond the extent
Of vision, of knowing
Slowing, down now
Freezing, right where it is

One big mystery
Forever left unsolved
We get away with it
Time for Plan B

I clutch my chest
My heart beats quickly
Then hesitates before
Stopping abruptly

It's nauseating
We are waterproof

Cheap bystanders
In the headlights
Not the headlines
If only vision were clearer

Closer, stronger
Hold on to me
Loosen your grip
On reality

Let go
I'll always be here, for you
Let's go
I'll always be yours, my dear
Composed: 09/07/15
The spring in your steps
And the spring in nature
Playing a match
That let me have a catch
Of a bit of happiness
In all my loneliness

In all my loneliness
This weather makes me
Light as a feather
Dreaming of us together*

Dreaming of us together
In a fairyland
We claim as ours
Where a vast meadow
Filled with flowers
Dancing as the wind blows

Dancing as the wind blows
Taking away my woes
Sun rays kissing our skin
Let the light shine upon us
After reading her poem about cherry blossoms and the brilliant imagery, I was awestruck.

Today I got the opportunity to work with one of the gifted young poets of Hello Poetry, Blythe (I love her description, 'princess in pink'. An imaginative and fairytale look at the life).

Unsurprisingly, she carried the spirit of one of my better poems in a brilliant way and lifted it a notch.

I thank Her Royal Highness Blythe for this wonderful collaboration ;-)

© GitacharYa VedaLa
© blythe
Walking through rainbows.
Chasing the evasive sun.
Splendour of it's thrilling skyward grin.
Tumbling up and down again.
As if an archangel of light.
Spectral aura.
Teeth sparkling as raindrops depart.
Beautiful rainbow, you've stolen my heart.
In the glint of an eye.
Light tricks and rainbows.
Say quickly goodbye.
Been and gone.
In the blink of an eye.
Make her love you with a whisper
Entrap her with a kiss.
Pick flowers for her,
Selected for their qualities.
Wrap them up and tie them tight.
For true love is exciting when visible before her eyes.
Be wise before you prise her fingers out from your hands.
Love lasts forever.
It makes no demands
Think before retreating of the love you shared before.
Angels danced on flighty feet believing that your love were true.
From topaz blue horizons her ring she'll give to you.
You will answer her calling upon bended knees.
Begging of her, her sweet hand in marriage.
Carried forever in a glass fronted carriage.
Love will be forever and forever hangs upon a sunny day.
Paris in the springtime.
Dark winter in the land of fall.
Of guns and bombs.
Machines that ****, at will.
Whose will it is?
Is what we finding ourselves asking?
As human beings.
We implore the end to evil deeds.
Evils preceding war.
God bless the lost,
God bless the lonely.
If only he would.
Paris must survive.
Joie d'vivre.
All those stares everywhere I go,
Beating and burning the back of my head.
Can you even imagine being me -
“Different”, a minority?
Everything is changing as I am
Finding out what I am made of -
Giving me unending pride and
Hope for the future world -
Inspired by equality for all.
Just look inside my soul and
Know that I am not so bad.
Look at me and understand that
My name has changed and it is
Not the same as when I was born.
Operations will transform me into the
Person I am in my heart and in my mind.
Questions from you are welcomed,
Rudeness, however, can be left at the door.
Send your bitterness and hate away to learn
That not all people are the same.
Understand that I will always love myself and
Violence will never ever be the answer
When all I want is to be accepted.
X marks the spot on our hearts when
You have decided to wholly learn to
Zero out the hate in which our society takes a toll.
Zero out the cold-heartedness and
You will feel better about yourself.
X’s and O’s go to the people
Who love me for simply being me.
Victory unending goes to those who  
Understand and love each other
Through the most difficult times -
Sorrow, hate, crimes, and pain.
Realize that we do not need help,
Quit telling us that we are mentally sick,
Pretty pretty please, with a cherry on top.
Oh, I hope and dream that the day is
Nearing when we are equal in each eye,
Minorities will cease to exist anymore with
Love that is pure and acceptance for all.
Knowing that each of us is not the same
Just simply goes to show that
I will never let you bring me down.
***** is not my name, never ever will it be.
Gender identity is not a choice -
Forgiveness, though, is a choice.
Educate yourself to gain knowledge.
Do not call me “dude” or ”man”,
Call me Unique, not my birth name.
By all means, you don’t have to love me -
All I ask is that you accept me for being me.
I wish we didn't have to pretend
I wish we could all be painfully honest
I wish I didn't have to pretend I didn't miss you
I wish could tell you that I thought of you today
I smelled the air
It was cold and crisp
You loved the cold
It smelled like fall
I remember falling in love with you as the dead leaves fell
Everything around us was dying
But I felt like I was finally living
Fall reminds me of falling in love with you
It's so beautiful
But it in the end everything dies
The trees are left bare and cold
Just like me
Just like my heart
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