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 May 2018 Sea
Some went West
and others went East.
The ones in between
found they liked South the least.

The traitorous winds
carried news from the mouth
of a stranger who wandered
the dreaded South.

They said:

"Glory and war in the West.
Peace and sacrifice in the East.
The North holds freedoms and complex rules.
The South has no time for such duels."

Those of the West,
those of the East,
and the Northern inbetweeners
listened with incredulity.

But the Southerner just repeats:

"Glory and war in the West.
Peace and sacrifice in the East.
The North holds freedoms and complex rules.
The South has no time for such duels."

"If we fight not for glory,
then why fight at all?
War is a necessary evil!"
Those Westerners say, how uncivil.

"Peace cannot yield
without sacrifice.
Someone always has to lose their life!"
Easterners cry full of strife.

"Freedoms are protected
if you follow the rules.
Speech must be regulated, calm, and cool."
Said from those under Northern rule.

But the Southerner repeats like a record loop:

"Glory and war in the West.
Peace and sacrifice in the East.
The North holds freedoms and complex rules.
The South has no time for such duels."

Then the wind finally stopped
spreading its message.
But the lofty seeds that traveled with the wind,
planted themselves in places they've never been.

And they started to grow into something more.
Freedoms and rules.
Peace and sacrifice.
Glory and War.
© Tatiana
I'm not exactly certain what I was thinking when I wrote this. But it exists.
 May 2018 Sea
 May 2018 Sea
I’ve began discovering
the beauty in independence
While we are young
we should take advantage
of being self indulged
in a sense
our only job
is to find ourselves
and then build up from there
May 19th~han
 Feb 2018 Sea
Kurt Philip Behm
If not of this moment,
  then what other time

If not of this moment,
  your music in mime

If not of this moment,
  whose sun brightly shines

If not of this moment
—your search undefined

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2018)
 Feb 2018 Sea
Thomas P Owens Sr
night colors drip
from the hand not raised
from the smile unfazed
by the empty space
that lay beside me

nightmares slip
into my soul resigned
into my world designed
to hold in dreams
the love denied me

waking to the burning light
her voice now fades from blue to white
her smile a thought so quickly gone
a memory lost
to dawn
 Feb 2018 Sea
Eric the Red
Do you look to the South
The same way I look to the North
When I think of you?
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