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  May 2014 Sanaya Sen
Pull the strings of my heart
And play the song of your eyes
Cradled in my languid arms
These seconds over a lifetime

Better have a little poison today
Than carrying it in your veins
Letting it cause wear and fray

Pluck the chords of my heart
And play the tune of yours too
Now we know each other's parts
We reflect like the sky in ocean blue

Let the silent song fill my lungs
And make me breathe pure
Make me breathe like never before
Sanaya Sen May 2014
That is how they live
That is how this works
For they do see the agony
In our eyes
But they revel in the feeling of

What causes one's tear
Makes the other smile
But this is how the world works
There is agony to every soul
Pain behind every smile.

That is what sustains the world
That is what makes it worth the while
It may be the devil's evil thought
But nobody ever gets caught
Cause its just a feeling, this

The place where they talk
The place that they reveal ***** secrets
Is the place that nurses this feeling
Is the place, noone should be
Seen lurking in..

For then you can't hide
Behind ur hypocrisy
Where u say u r happy for the world
But actually their pain is ur ecstacy
For now u feel exposed
It is lifted, the cloak
You wore everyday as u reveled
In the feeling called
  Apr 2014 Sanaya Sen
Spill tears upon my letter
Remember me today?
Memories now salty drops
Crumple it and throw it away?

But pick it up, won't you?
As long as it takes
After your anger quells
To count my mistakes?

While your fingers touch
And your eyes scan
The edges of the letter
It will make me feel better

Is the paper damp?
Dry it in the sun
Read it under a lamp
About when love was young?

In the moon and sun
I have sent tokens
Of undying love
In dreams awoken

Keep one eye
On the road for me
Close them once
And hope for me

Keep them shut
and try to see
What couldn't be
And could have been?
  Apr 2014 Sanaya Sen
Remember that autumn we were strolling
Hand in hand but the leaves weren't falling
The birds flitting across branches calling
Our names together as if it were one word
In tweets and chirps and it sounded absurd
But we laughed all the same when we heard
The name that was us and we kept going
To where we were headed with hearts showing
And souls naked with words silently flowing
You might have forgotten but I forever recall
The lost autumn when the leaves refused to fall
And the birds said what we wanted, they said it all

— The End —

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