Thank you*
For reaching out to me when I needed it the most
For making me feel safe when talking to you
For being there when no one else was
Thank you
For believing in me when I don't myself
For allowing me to cry or just stare into the wall
For letting me sit in silence without having to say a word
Thank you
For listening to me for hours to end
For giving me the space and peace I've needed
For being the reason I got up and fought a little more
Thank you
For being more understanding than anyone ever before
For opening up your home to me even though you didn't have to
For holding my hand and assuring me that everything will be okay
Thank you
For all your support
For not giving up on me
For being with me through some of my worst times
Thank you for your warmth and all your hugs
I honestly wouldn't have made it this far without you
I'm truly grateful and forever will be
Thank you for saving me and for everything you've done
From the bottom of my heart, thank you