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A bond too strong to be broken,
If I felt pain you felt it too,
If I lost hope you made me believe,
If you lost faith I'd send you a song,
If I was lost you were my path,
My yellow brick road just like in Oz,
Sometimes I lost my sense of direction,
Wandered off to the darkest of places,
You'd shine bright for me to find,
My way back to what is right,
If a dissaster were to strike,
My yellow brick road you came to be,
Whenever I was lost in the land of Oz

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
By the time you make your return,
It will be no surprise if I am gone.
When you finally feel okay with being around,
I won't be around.
If my thoughts pull me deep into the ocean, keep in mind I cannot swim for I will drown in myself.
Forget all the things that were ever said, I am not that girl anymore.
I have been lost you are gone with others to comfort you and I am accompanied yet still a lonesome soul.
I would sing you a lullaby,
But they do it for me.
I would run and hug you, but my presence bring you tears.
How can love bring such inmense pain between two beings.
Your words say there is love in your heart with my name written all over,
But why is this scene still about she who sits alone thinking and hoping he is okay.
This isn't love this is torture.
As stated before,
Don't be surprised if it happens to be too late.
If your thoughts come to order after a last breath has been taken.
A promise to follow you anywhere was made.
A weak point has been reached and I believe it might be best,
To wait for you by the gate with which is ment for us to meet again.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
I will follow
 Sep 2014 RMatheson
Parker Vance
I used to be hollow and broken and gone from the world
but I found things and people and you
and those things helped me grow new parts
and those people mended the wounds in my head
and you made me want to be
Money cannot buy happiness

My mother
Has a collection of jewelry
Diamonds are her favorite
Hers are pure and glimmering
She wears them on her hands
And over her heart
She has a collection
Of shiny things
They all sit pretty on her body
Glowing against her tan skin
But their worth is still not enough
To cure her instability
Or ease the anxiety that never leaves
She has all of these beautiful things
But still relies on antidepressants and nicotine
To make it through the day
And even after that
She is still not content
Money does not buy happiness

My father
Has a love for cars
He has spent his earnings
On greatly crafted vehicles
They are kept well and clean
They glisten
Shining almost as bright
As my mother's diamonds
They are fast
And smooth
Like his collection of fine liquor
All of the bottles lined up neatly
15 year, 18 year, 20
All of them rich in age
He has a lot of nice things
But at the end of the day
Still requires multiple glasses of whiskey
To wash out the bitterness of life
And the memories
Of how close he came to losing it
He has all of these cars
That take him from place to place
But it is still he
Who has to drag himself out of bed
Each morning to face the world
And even then
He is still not at ease
Money cannot buy happiness

Have lives that most would envy
But even they can be consumed by darkness
And fall victim to their own sadness
Money cannot buy happiness

The man who lives next door
Has a beautiful house
And a lot of things
To fill it
His home is never empty
But I can tell that he is
His eyes give it away
Money cannot buy happiness

I have
So much to be thankful for
I am provided
With more than one could ever need
And my level of privilege is beyond doubt
But most days
I struggle to make it through this one
And on to the next
It is always a never ending battle
Between me and myself
Between my mind and my sanity
Most nights
I fall asleep to a mix of ambien and panic
Having to **** my thoughts
With substance
I am overwhelmed
By constant fear
By frequent depersonalization and depression
Often feeling sad and then guilty

Because I have everything
I could ever ask for
But I am still not happy
These material things
Are not enough
To fill the gaping hole expanding within me
And there is a lot
That money can buy
But happiness
Is not one of them.
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