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You love not with your heart but with your soul.
I really should stop being a hopeless romantic.
I'm downing
endless darkness above and below
I'm drowning
my body corrupted by the waves
I'm drowning
a puppet to the ocean deep
I'm drowning
amongst the wild of the sea
I'm drowning
water breeches my swollen lungs
I'm drowning
pain engulfs my whole
I'm drowning
just like any other day
I'm drowning
I know you might be reading this
And I guess I hope thats true
Most likely you could care less
Don’t worry, I don’t blame you
My writing is quite rough, but
If by chance your eyes grace by
I would like you to know why

I love you to the moon and back
But that’s not quite enough
I love you to the end of earth
But still that isn’t all
I love your sweet perfection
But it’s your flaws that drive me wild

Through and through I love you
Skin and bones and all
Up and down, left and right
But each direction can’t fulfill
The words I can't get out

Just know that I am sorry
For all that I have done and
You’ll probably never read this
Or even get this far
Like I said, my poetry
Isn’t for the weakened heart

But in case you ever do
Today, tomorrow, or ten years
If you and I aren’t meant to be
Just know I’ll always hope
You find some who loves you
Even more than I could cope
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a girl who had no ears
Could not hear of the world’s fears
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a boy’s vision so unclear
He could not see his mother’s tears
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a dad who loved his beer
Too drunk to know the end was near
Here's a story for you, dear
About a man who worked cashier
With wish to be an engeneer
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a helpful volunteer
Who most times was insincere
Here’s a story for you, dear
About a woman’s failed pap smear
Preparing for a condition so severe
Here’s a story for you, dear
Although we try to persevere
*We all want to disappear
I can't breathe, the dirt is filling my lungs
Trying to scream out the lies of their tongues
No one hears, and no one cares
All they give is glances and sad stares

Pierced hearts and missing eyes
Thinkin' they won a prize
Saying good-byes with no tears to be seen
They say they don't remember
But I know they do
Skin is turning blue

My life is fading
Never dealt with this kind of aching
Spine broke in half and neck snapped
And now I'm trapped.

I'm running out of air
Take me to place of bare love and tear

— The End —