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punched a wall until my knuckles were blue
cut my thighs until they dripped red
smoked my lungs black to match my heart

and yet I still looked fine to you
your horoscope compared you to the sunrise
it may seem dumb, but i think it's true
you are the most beautiful thing that I could
aspire to wake up to
all the beautiful words have already been spoken
all the good hearts have already been broken
maybe that's why the rhymes come to us
and we build ourself back up from the dust
Why do we live like this?
Can we even call it living?
Teeth bared at the demons we cannot fight
Howling at the moon with our eyes closed
Don't you get that we are wolves now?
Starved for happiness
This is the people we've become
Dragging our maimed limbs through the darkness
Searching for the promised land
Last spring we uncovered our souls
And you became a part of me
Your laugh, you smile, your smell
All of it mingling with the season

But spring it passed and flowers grew
Just as I grew apart from you
Though I don't see your face any more
I think of you with the season's return
Something I wrote a while ago and wanted to publish
and i would light fires
to feel the heat and see the light
i know i cannot be
"Here's something that will make you better"

"Is it more pills?"
So sick of having this converstaion
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