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 Sep 2016 Makenzie Robison
I don't know how,
I don't know why
and it makes me want to finally cry
Love is a *****
It's a pain in the ***
Even as it soothes my tortured soul.
Bittersweet is defined by love.
What am I supposed to do
When he says it's not fair?
I'm sorry that I can't grow up,
I've tried
And I'll keep trying for you, love,
but it's just so
And it makes me want to cry.
the marriage between two hotdogs and two buns

some say it is a bliss - the union of two hotdogs:
two pieces of elongated meat lying side by side
bound by grease, tenderized by heat.
some say they're sumptuous,twice as filling, twice as fun;
though you can only consume them one by one.

two hotdogs can quite be a scene,
may it be dinner or an afternoon delight.
some may like it, some may not.
but who can deny them, that for them is delight.

the same goes for the bonds of two buns.
two hearts twained, bound by filling.
twice as refreshing, doubly fulfilling.
food for the gods, truly life-giving.
for the marriage of two buns can be mouth watering.

the matrimony of two hotdogs and that of two buns,
may be fun for anybody, but not for everyone.
as most could still be sated by a sandwich; grilled meat and toast.
as the marriage between a hotdog and a bun is still preferred by most.
jelly on toast I'm fine as dandilion
Heeep us
We are the sin of the bun
sin a bun
My bun
my ***
Help us all
beez in a fine *** trap
Killin for mongril
My **** is the flame of your fire pit
I am on drugs
what kind of drugs
Just livi
Livi is my soul fam
In zero ways
I love japan
But I can not go
I ma so a sorry
She is using my make up brushes on her FEEETTETETE
why is livi using make up brushes on her feetes
what the fuckie
I need jesus
u have jesus
I need jesus one on one
This entire thing is bologna

Many, many years ago
When the earth was new
There lived a lovely butterfly
Her wings of brightest blue
Everyday was happy
As she fluttered all around
Visiting each precious bloom
Each garden they were found

Till one day by courier
A message she received
The news was far from happy
The words caused her to grieve
Her mate was lost in battle
It broke her fragile heart
Never more would there be joy
Her world was torn apart

To show her grief she slowly
Removed her precious wings
Discarded everything she loved
The memories they bring
Then wrapped about her body
In a way to show her grief
A drab cocoon of teardrops
Then sat in disbelief

She could not eat, could not sleep
Her sadness did abound
So worried was her family
They often came around
Not to be a burden
She packed her simple things
Rolled them in a bundle
As well, her precious wings

She took off on a journey
As every day was kept
A map of where she traveled
By every tear she wept
The sadness so consuming
Her head she held so low
Downcast eyes the path she took
A heart that’s beating slow

Crossing creeks and valleys
What ever she did meet
Touching each and every stone
Beneath her tiny feet
Around the world she traveled
Her journeys filled in length
For many days and many months
Running short of strength

About to end the story
Her broken heart near death
She prayed for time to hurry
Her last and final breath
For love had left her being
Wandering alone
That day her mate did breathe no more
The message she was shown

When seemingly from nowhere
A beauty sharp and sweet
A stone now lay upon the ground
Below these tired feet
Though different was this relic
Such beauty not concealed
The loveliness this stone possessed
Her sorrow slowly healed

It lay as a reminder
That ugliness might play
But found within this sorrow
Some beauty was displayed
And then her eyes did open
The perfect shade of brown
When then she noticed wonders
Were waiting to be found

Like diamonds in the river
A perfect flower’s bloom
So happy had she now become
She cast off her cocoon
Shook the dust from on her wings
The brightest color blue
Put them on and offered thanks
This chance at life anew

She danced the dance of butterflies
And spread her story wide
To family and friends alike
The truth she did confide
In loss there will be sorrow
But life is just a time
Remember but the good you had
And you will be just fine

In everything is beauty
All that you will see
Whether in the rising sun
Or stones beneath your feet
Always find the goodness
It lies before you eyes
I promise you’ll find happiness
When you realize

So dance with me this morning
Spread your fancy wings
Follow me this summer’s eve
And see the joy it brings
If ever you feel sorrow
Don’t forget the chance
Gives thanks to all the good you have
And let your spirit dance
Sorry, I know it's long.
I know how this ends
Violent words with sharp edges
Cutting through a fragile mind
The poison of loneliness
Never one to be kind
Towards a beating heart

I know how this ends
Thunderstorms and hurricanes
A waterfall of thoughts
Echoing through his head
Where once music played
Now there’s screaming instead

I know how this ends
Never mind how it began
He knows not what he’s doing
Too numb to make a plan
It’s himself he’ll end up losing
Unless you offer him a hand
I recalled a dream
In countless hours
Of wind swept woods
And tall stone towers
Where meadows echoed
A thick sweet song
Where the quiet river
Flowed lazily along
A long lost place
I recall to mind
A forgotten world
Where I hope to find
A glimpse of your smile
That once I knew
When the world was young
And we were too
 Jun 2016 Makenzie Robison
Beatings* and screaming
Tears streaming down your face
Punished for being attracted to guys
Something you didn’t choose
Why do you have to be this way?

People hate on you for who you love
You hate yourself for loving them
You hide yourself
Hurt yourself
Why do you have to be this way?

Your friends are gone
Your families screaming,
“It’s just a phase”
Nobody understands
After all, they’re not gay
Why do you have to be this way?

“God will send you to hell”
They scream
Getting louder each time they speak
You can’t take it!
Why do you have to be this way?

You scream and cry in anguish
Until they push too hard
They push you off the edge
This is the only way
Why do you have to be this way?

You fall
The wind screaming relief in your ears
You’re flying
The ground getting closer
Why did you have to be this way?

One last *breath

You’re gone, gone from the prejudice
You’re safe, there’s no more pain
Why did you have to be gay?

They cry, they lie
About how they didn’t know
But how couldn’t they?
They gave the final push
Why did they have to be that way?
**Why couldn’t they just accept and love you the way you were?
In English we were required to write a poem. I am bisexual and have dealt with hate, so I decided to do my poem on just that. Some people loved it and found it touching and eye-opening while others did not.
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