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 Oct 2014 Q
Haydn Swan
 Oct 2014 Q
Haydn Swan
Smiling politely in the local store,
another happy shopper that most would ignore,
but what torrid secrets lay under her grin
the tainted stigma of that hidden sin,

she wraps up her fears with the things that she’s bought,
packed into bags without a thought,
the knots in her stomach drive her insane,
for she knows that tonight there’ll  be anguish and pain,

She drinks her coffee and stares at the clock,
It’s ticking hands seem to laugh and mock,
her doleful eyes are starting to mist,
as she thinks of the bruises made by his fist,

Violently  thrown onto a bed,
pinned down and stifled as if she was dead,
pretends not to feel the hatred and pain,
as her virtue is stolen again and again,

She’s sick of the broken promises and lies,
prays to a God who never replies ,
Its all tucked away where no one can see,
longing for the day that her soul will be free.
I wrote this for my Niece who was a victim of domestic violence and abuse from her husband, she suffered in silence for over 4 years.  It also speaks out for anyone who is going through this right now or has also been a victim.  I hope you will read this and realize that you don't need to suffer alone and that there is a way out, my niece is now on the road to recovery and has a new loving, caring partner.
 Sep 2014 Q
 Sep 2014 Q
inherent confusion
of a nature not wholly unknown to me
when the mind collides with the matter and
what matters,
the fact of the matter is that i'm lost in
new territory,
within my own territory;
new territory
that i've already explored and somehow forgotten
and in the eye of the storm, am I self aware?
i sit in the middle of the debris
asking myself
if i even mean it,
if i even like you or if i just like just
your dogs.
ah yes the familiar feeling of doubting my emotions
 Sep 2014 Q
Austin Heath
If you're still chewing on carcasses
you fished out of the graveyard,
dining out for the apocalypse,
taking ******* from strangers;
Snap and start walking with no direction,
sit in the shower and try to put the words
to **** you can't understand.

Press your foot on the gas and blast off into space
while waving fingers at aliens with phones
pressed into their stupid faces.
Engineer something ****** and useless.
Break something important and unnecessary .
 Sep 2014 Q
Austin Heath
I was fired from [sandwich shop X] for
"insubordination" and "attitude".
******* cowards, the whole lot.
What hurts the most is that I tried,
because someone vouched for me,
but they still stepped all over me
and then threw me away.
**** jobs.

Checked my horoscope for *****;

"If it's true that you reap what you sow, Libra, you're in for a great harvest in the coming months. Your hard work and focus will start to pay off handsomely with promotions and raises just when you may have given up on being acknowledged for all you do. Hang on to your great energy, passion, and enthusiasm. Doors are about to open for you. Get ready to walk through them."

Found a stone in the graveyard with my name
and told it how much I wanted to **** myself
and how much I hate everything.
From here, hell looks reasonable;
like at least there'd be a reason for everyone
to be so ******* useless and miserable,
but heaven?
Heaven looks like a ******* insult.

But what the **** do you know?
I got no job, no home, a mother in a women's shelter,
failed applications for food stamps, college debt,
no old friends, what?
What the **** have I got?
Why the **** does everyone treat suicide
like it's so ******* morally reprehensible?
I never win.
Even my victories are
offshoot chances to lose more
than I had before.

I'm tired, and I hate all of you.
 Sep 2014 Q
v V v
Catch 22
 Sep 2014 Q
v V v
You will never know normal until
you have it long enough to not
want more of it
 Sep 2014 Q
v V v
 Sep 2014 Q
v V v
I've been running
through the night like
a schizophrenic ghost,
looking for the angels
that used to hang around
here, the tarnished ones,
the ones that lost their shine,

and all the while
I keep bumping into walls
that aren't even there.
Schizophrenia - a state characterized by the coexistence of contradictory or incompatible elements.
 Sep 2014 Q
Oh honey
 Sep 2014 Q
You think you're special then you realize
he talks to one
or eleven
other girls
the same way
 Sep 2014 Q
it isn't.
 Sep 2014 Q
I can promise him
and I can promise her
and I can promise myself
i will never forget the warmth of summer sidewalks
and how it feels to lie.

i will never forget the beat of roshambo,
thundering in my ears
rock paper scissors

i will have instead forgotten the truest fact -
                 you came back first.

and isn't that enough?
things i shouldn't be thinking: that because you came back first, you cared; because you came back first, i should come back, too. it's only fair
 Sep 2014 Q
Austin Heath
I have nothing to say anymore,
and it makes me into an object
but it feels incredible
so I'm taking a break
and I don't miss you.
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