Tell me about the day I was born
Was it raining or sunny
On this mid-summer morn
Did I cry and whimper
In this world that was new
Or did I reach for the embrace
In the warm smell of you
Tell me about my childhood
Did we laugh and play games?
Was I a bad child, or good?
Did I go to school to learn my sums?
Do my chores and homework each day
When I fell, was it to you that I ran
To kiss the hurt away
Tell me about when I was grown
Did you shed a tear, or two?
When I left the family home
And did you reach out to catch me?
As I stumbled through this adult life
Learning about responsibility to earn enough
To support my new family, husband and wife
Now let me tell you my story
Memories start from when I was young
Of being loved and protected
In arms that were strong
Encouraged to be, who I wanted to be
Every step guided, with a nod and a smile
So I hope i have lived a life, to make you proud of me
For my Mum