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  Apr 2016 Pixievic
Alice Baker
I'm getting lost on purpose.
Going down the bad roads,
Looking out for no one not even myself

I'm sick of this place, there's too much
That already has a tie.
I need something free.

I figure ill **** up a little more,
Maybe find myself in the reflection
Of some gas station mirror in the middle of no where.

I think I'm destined to be happy
Just not today
And not here.
Pixievic Apr 2016
This is this
Imperfectly perfect
Shadows burned into candlelight
Yin to yang
Two halves of something
Powerless as our passions unite
Chasing rainbows
Through shrouded skies
Bursting clouds to find our light
This is this
Imperfectly perfect
Two stars in the ocean burning bright

(C) Pixievic
Sometimes things are just what they are .....
  Apr 2016 Pixievic
I simply write you in my dreams
Where a word you said becomes a child
Whose hand I hold
And we walk together into the sun

I let this image of you linger long
In the crevices of my mind
That have never been touched before
Until you found them

I follow the feelings you give me
I see clouds and glass and moons and rain
As something more divine
I become a part of everything

I throw my spirit at a wall
Because you're on the otherside
And I would give my life
If only to reach you

I allow myself to fall
Because your falling
And if you're crawling on the ground
I don't want you to crawl alone

I learn how to touch again
But this time without hands and bodies
This time I use my words
To touch your mind

I do everything
And give everything
And become everything
Because of you

  Apr 2016 Pixievic
Julie Langlais
The moon is out
At her usual time
Only the sky is bright
Blended in white clouds
A blue background
Kissed by the sun's rays
on the other side
As the moon enjoys
Her unexplored view
She is blown away
By all the natural colors
Vibrant and alive

I am,
Fascinated by this image
The sun and moon
Share the sky
In the spring
The love that radiates
In contrast
As they beam in unison
In circular beauty
A moment in the universe
That proves us
We are all connected
In some way
Our very own
On display to teach us
Significance of our existence

Jl 2016
I noticed this beautiful image on my run. I felt overjoyed and excited to write about it :)
Pixievic Apr 2016
In quiet moments such as these
You creep back into my mind
Like a ninja
Scaling my wall with death defying skill
I invite you in
To take this quiet and make it thunderous
Just for a moment
Then I take my sword and cut you down
You will not beat me
I will not give in
I have already survived
And you .......

Are just a lump!!

(C) Pixievic
I won't be beaten ....! Positive thinking ....!!
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