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C Biluk Sep 2021
My speeches were never this fluid before.

I should give more speeches,

at 2 am.
C Biluk Sep 2021
I have two hands

One for this pen

and one for

my coffee cup?
C Biluk Sep 2021
Dreams and reality
can get pretty loud

If you need a break
Just walk back

to the big tree
beside the quiet river

and the soft breeze
in the morning light
C Biluk Sep 2021
We are kindling
A majestic sort

Woven quietly
Among thoughts
Within muscles
Through emotions

Bundled away
As great caches


Life, and choices
Flint, and steel

Inspired friction
Daunting smoke
Crude catalyst
Blazing insight

May nothing quench
A magnificent star
C Biluk Sep 2021
Show me a circle,
and I will show you
one of everything.
C Biluk Feb 2021
She, was an invaluable treasure in my heart
I, was a calculated risk she would not take
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