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This isn't what you need.
I, am not what you need.
It's just I need to find a solution,
Ostensibly, I look for it in everyone.
Wherever I go, I make it up as I go along,
I imagine what could be true
In a fanciful and quixotic place.

I'm not trying to make you,
Or anyone else my personal conquest;
Or an object to fill my spiritual journey,
I am not intending to lose you after finding myself.
And I'm sorry,
In case any of these things have,
Or will, come true.
  Jul 2018 Ooolywoo
Andrew Durst
My death will be liberating.

And I do not say that in the sense
that I am going to find a cliff
and take a good jump off.


I am just trying to find a
clever way to tell you

that I do not know what is going
to happen next.

You see,

there is a
fine line
dreaming and


I am finding out for myself
that being in love
does not always

being awake.

And for my sake
I fall in love with daydreams,
hazy realities

the hung-over idea

of not being enough.

It is all out of my hands.
                 It is all out of time.

And the only thing I have left to do,

is decide.
Thank you to anyone that reads this.
  Jul 2018 Ooolywoo
There’s a little corner in my heart
Which is bespoken from the start

I used this corner on my own
For a little moment all alone

This corner was a precious bit
I let no one but myself sit

It was reserved for the cherished one
No one but me was that person

My love with me this corner saw
I could safely let me here thaw

Then one day my heart saw a rush
All around there was a gush

It’s beats reached up peaks really high
And Every inch let out a sigh

It was the day you entered here
Awed my heart you musketeer

You searched around for a living space
In that corner you found your place

An invasion I couldn’t stop
Your charm was making my heart throb

I tried to get you out of there
After all this was all my sphere

I heard a voice in the background run
Isn’t this space for the special one..??

I guess I loved you more than me
Coz in that corner I let you be
  Jul 2018 Ooolywoo
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
  Jul 2018 Ooolywoo
She Writes
There is too much regret
In unspoken words
The quiet thoughts
Whispered only to the moon

There is too much longing
In wishful thinking
Can quickly become a nightmare

There are too many tears
Spilled onto pillows
Over suffering and longing
From words unsaid
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