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 Feb 2020 Julianna
Friends come
friends go
in the end
I am all alone

Good times
that never last
they always
no looking back

Memories made
only to be forgotten now
forever locked
away, I'm the
only one in pain

Left behind
alone at last
except for memories
the past

Now and then I look
only to see that
my heart's
still cracked

Happy endings are
someone always
has to say
 Feb 2020 Julianna
These words are for me,
For I'm the one who's hurting,
I'm just healing myself.
I often wonder why we can't understand other's poems sometimes, but deep down it is the one who writes it knows the value of it.
 Feb 2020 Julianna
Sean Hunt
 Feb 2020 Julianna
Sean Hunt
Before words form
then fall, like rain
from the mind of a  writer
splattering a chaste page
There is no poem

Before the pieces
of someone's peculiar puzzle
are placed
on a page
There is no poem

Before the mind
of a reader
something special
in a word salad
there is no poem

Before a reader
pretends to hear
sounds found
between his ears
there is no poem
 Feb 2020 Julianna
If I wrote poems in my dreams,
then I'd write in black and white

If I wrote poems in my dreams,
then I'd convey messages through silence

If I wrote poems in my dreams.
then my writing would hold knowledge it doesn't when awake

If I wrote poems in my dreams,
then you'd see a side of me that even I don't know
 Feb 2020 Julianna
i look up at the moon
wondering if you're seeing the same
or if you're seeing the sun
but one day
we will see the same
one day
we will be under the same roof
in the same bed
as lovers
who use to see different
i felt embarrassed writing this.
 Feb 2020 Julianna
sandra wyllie
of you second-guessing me
he said. He sounded perturbed
on ever word.

I’m sick
of your rage
he told me before. But if he
lived the violent life I had
he’d have some rage for sure.

I’m sick
of being lovesick
over you. Sick of you making
promises that you never kept. Always
saying that you’d be there –
then left
fighting to get back
a semblance that was

I’m sick
because I relied on you
and then
you broke my heart

I’m sick
of being sick
and never
getting fixed!!

And I'm too sick to start!
 Feb 2020 Julianna
 Feb 2020 Julianna
Got so high
I forgot
To forget
 Feb 2020 Julianna
noren tirtho
Time doesn't heal.
And the wound knows it.
Layers gather on the ****
but the damage remains,
hiding itself deep inside
the secret scar
time healing wound layers damage hidden secret scar
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