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Sarah Caitlyn Sep 2016
so I write here right?
is that correct?
I think this is where
I'm supposed to write
now what to put...
Sarah Caitlyn Sep 2016
for the last time
you grab my hand
try to teach me
how to dance.

for the last time
your lips hit mine
skin touching
delicate skin

for the last time
you whisper
your love for me
into my ear

for the last time
i know that
we could be
immortal together

for the last time
you say goodbye.
Sarah Caitlyn Sep 2016
there once was a doll
with rosy cheeks
and porcelain skin.
her smile painted
a permanent  happiness
until she fell off the shelf
and since she was no egg
there were no kings men
to put her together again
so she laid on her floor
cried those porcelain tears.
the doll is no more long since
forgotten on the dusty  floor
just because she was never an egg.
Sarah Caitlyn Sep 2016
I loved a girl once
with hair of fire
and eyes like the seas
for a short while
it seemed she loved me
then piece after piece
I began to shrink
as she grew larger
into this beast
made of the broken
pieces of me.
still i loved the girl
with hair of fire
and eyes like the seas.
Sarah Caitlyn Sep 2016
The tips of your fingers are
burning holes in my thighs
as theses indirect questions
pick through my mind
how was I supposed  to know
it would end up like this
every word we say bitter and stiff
you didn't even have to try
to burn down that bridge
it was smoking since we began
there was no way we'd make it
not with my ****** up views
and your unwillingness to try
in almost six months neither
of us was really happy once
well that's not true, I was happy
but very rarely with you
bringing each other up then down
like a twisted merry-go-round
with our hearts for horses.
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