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Nao Oct 2020
Don't try to hold me
and turn off the lights I'm too hungover
I'll eat guacamole in the morning
Nao Sep 2019
vomitting words
that don't really matter
just going through stuff...
Nao Jan 2019
If you announced I could live a million years,
I’d **** myself.
Nao Apr 2020
I want to scream.
Who gave you the right,
to treat me like you did?
to lie like you did?
to break me like you did?
to love me like you did?
I mean
Nao Feb 2021
Every time
I whisper my love,
it becomes more concrete,
a cement between my bones,
crushing me with no remorse.
Nao Jan 2021
I lost someone again today.
They left,
after a conversation of silence,
and a few smiles I didn't care to respond to.

It's becoming a lot easier,
to say goodbye.
I looked away,
walked away,
"thank you for everything".

And just like that,
I lost someone.

Nao Jan 2019
did you know the sun became brighter after you left?
Nao Jan 2020
Do you like it?
Hurting me I mean.
It seems I'm never enough,
and I wonder,
If I'll ever be.

Do you like it?
Loving me I mean.
I feel bad a little,
mostly all the time.

Do you hate it that much?
Living I mean.
Because it seems,
You can't let me.

My chest is filled with men,
who enjoy seeing pain,
and yes,
you're one of them.
But this is a poem.
So I guess,
you can be beautiful.
Nao Aug 2021
You look like an angel
Red skin
Green eyes
Blue lips
I think it’s love
You look like a miracle
Rough hands
Cold skin
Soft cheeks
I think I see your love
Or maybe
It’s just the lsd
Nao Dec 2019
Drunk and naked in the dirt,
Softly wasting all I had,
Sinking in earth's dress,
covering the screams,
with my mistakes
Nao Jan 2019
sometimes I just want to
fade away.
I do not want to get hurt
nor i want to hurt them...
I just wish I disappeared
and it became like
I never even existed
Nao Aug 2021
I love her
Just enough
To wish
I was a man
Nao Oct 2019
I was a girl
who believed in god
until they told me
I myself was a sin.
Nao Oct 2019
My love for you never changed,
It simply faded over time.
I can feel the days in my mind,
I count the nights we exchanged.

Inside your hands rests my smiles,
Now they're gone but I can remember,
For you I'll never get better,
I'll wait and stay immobile.

Now that you've broken me for good,
I slowly fall without making a sound,
My feet are sinking in the ground,
Heaven was where you understood.
Nao Sep 2020
He seems to know
100 ways to make me happy
without it ever feeling too much.

He seems to know
which specific kind of coffee
I will need when i get home.

He seems to know
that we dont really need to speak
just lay together in the grass and the sunlight

He seems to know
that I'm a hopeless romantic,
i think deep down he is the same

He seems to know
i look at the way his lips slighlty curve
when he's reads his favourite book

I think he knows
that i like him just a little
and I'll give him the world if he asks me to

And i know he knows
that he makes me smile with his words
he likes it when i smile i think.
i met a quiet, confident boy who makes me smile and goes on picnics with me.
He doesn't feel the need to fill the silence, i think we might become good friends
Nao Dec 2018
How are you.
I miss you every second of every day
I feel broken
Come back to me, if you don’t I might die
Just say it wasn’t real. Say it never happened. Say you’re mine and I’ll forget
Surprise me. Run to me. Take me in your arms and say I love you
Love me.
I miss you.
Come back.

- Hi
Nao Sep 2019
it's true.
I would love,
to like me.
Nao Jan 2019
If the earth were flat, I'd walk to the end,

To see the void,

To dive into it.
Nao Mar 2021
if I am happy,
truly happy,
is it okay for me
to complain.

It's all so new,
this peace of mind,
I feel the need
to ruin it.

If I am happy,
truly happy,
and I make it stop
at least
you won't
Nao Oct 2020
If I go,
without saying goodbye.
I want you to know,
that I really tried.
To live and love,
to endure and smile.
To find the truth,
in this realm of lies.
Nao Apr 2018
Between my tears and your joy,
there is a grey zone,
where we both belong

Between my flesh an your bones,
there is a grey place,
where we both belong
Nao Jan 2019
Would you want to be immortal ?
- Never
Interpret this like you want, In my case. somebody asked me
if I would have liked to live forever, and there was no hesitation.
Nao Feb 2019
You say writers
don't listen.
You say lovers
don't sin
Nao Jan 2022
Every time I look in the mirror
I see burns
all over my body
I see them on my stomach,
in the crease of my thighs
everyone is blind to these scars
for they have sunk into my psych
There's no proof
of how bad you destroyed me
and here I am
burning someone else

to cope
Nao Nov 2022
I wish I could yell instead of crying.
I wish I stood my ground as you do
sharp words and cold tone
unbreakable, unmovable, unchangeable.
I wish I could hurt as you do,
I wish I could cry and apologize,
late at night, the "I'm sorry"s come,
but nothing ever changes.
I wish I were like you,
I wish I had put a limit, drawn a line, defended it with my life,
I wish I had pushed you, yelled, I wish I had ran,
Anything but this smile,
I wish I didn't forgive you,
My forgiveness is too easy,
I wish I could blame you,
God knows it could be easy,
I wish I could hate you.
But here I am.
Nao Sep 2021
je t'aime
un peu trop peut etre
je sais
j'en fait toujours trop
pour toi mais surtout
pour mon visage dans tes yeux
tes joues rouges
oh mon dieu je taime
beaucoup trop je sais
j'oublie tout, pardonne tout
tout ce que je veux
c’est du temps
une seconde
un regard
une parole
je t’aime, oh
je sais que je t’aime
je t’aime a mourir
je t’aime a rester
je taime trop
je n'y peut rien
et pourtant
je me blame
je t’en veux
un peut trop peut-etre
je n’y peux rien,
tu me hantes,
et j’acceuile ton fantôme
avec un sourire aux les lèvres.
Je t’aime,
beaucoup trop je sais,
si tu savais,
si tu savais.
reviens vite
je t'en prie
Nao Oct 2019
Heaven was when you understood
Nao Apr 2019
If I were a flower,
you'd be the ground
and I'd pierce your skin,
to find what makes me live.

But boys are never the ones
we see as fragile flowers,
and if I keep hurting you,
it's because I couldn't live without,
the light of your presence
The title has no particular meaning, if it isn't for the fact that magnolias are flowers and I love saying that word. Magnolia. It rolls on the tongue, don't you think?
Nao Jan 2019
I miss you.
Nothing new here...
Nao Feb 2019
You and your sweet, sweet lies,

I'll miss your bitter taste.

Everything had a price,

Put your hands on my waist.


You and your sweet, sweet smile.

Both' your hands in my hair.

You were so versatile,

Loved you like a nightmare
Nao Mar 2024
Your fingers make their way in my mouth, wrapped in my tongue like a gift, digging my waist and softly ripping appart my psyche.
I am unwell for you, too ripe and too ready,
The sweet ache of my teeth holding down my pleas makes itself known
What is love if not ruin
Nao Mar 2022
He made me repeat
over and over
his name in the night
a prayer for safety
every time I woke up
night terrors and sweet salvation
he became preacher
and I believed
This incessant ritual
his name on my lips,
my desperate whispering,
I whimpered his affirmations,
waited for the miracle
to come.
He's gone now.
Nao Nov 2020
I think I know now,
           That this was never really more than a moment,
                       I was never as attached
                                  As I liked to imagine.

I think i know now
           That i love you when you're here,
                       Forget you when you're gone,
                                   You don't cross my mind as i fall asleep.
I'm sorry,

        I'll call you later
Nao Jan 2019
I can almost remember.
how intense was my passion.
Or was it jealousy?
Nao Sep 2021
let me sleep
let me rest
Let me melt
to fit the curve
of you stomach
let me fall
let me choose
Let me crash
let me sleep
let me dream
once, just once
let me
let me go
Nao Nov 2022
I didn't think it would hurt this badly.
I thought I'd make it easily,
I thought I could do this without shedding a tear,
I had a glimmer of hope,
maybe just maybe I'd make it through,
it hit me all at once.
Nao Jan 2019
Quand tu me dis “je t’aime”
Ne me regarde pas dans les yeux.
Tu sais bien,
Que les mensonges me font mal
first time I publish something in french. Don't know if I like it or hate it,
but it was worth a try.
Nao Oct 2019
Your fingers resting on my eyes,
I see red yet all is black,
You're everything I despise,
Yet you call I'm running back.
Nao Jan 2019
see you!
He said, like was coming back.
see you!
He said, like he had ever seen me.
See you!
He said, like he knew I' d cry.
See you!
He said, and I never saw him again
Nao Apr 2019
It's raining.
I think of you.
I'm sick.
really sick.
I'm sick of people,
of beings,
of myself.
I'm sick of the bull**,
sick of the lies,
sick of being there,
sick of being alive.
Please fix me.
Complete me.
Love me.
Because I'm sick,
of myself and others.
I'm sick of everyone,
but you.
Nao Apr 2020
I think that
you realize,
how sweet you are,
and beautiful in my eyes,
in your reflection.
We are nothing,
just strangers with
a little too much time
and loneliness,
so let's stay like
a little while
Nao Mar 2019
I get bad days,
when knives seem soft,
and roses dissapear.

Take me to your garden,
tell me all your troubles,
because they're all nice and simple,
they make me forget mine.

Take me to your garden,
Cut me with your thorns,
So I can see some colour,
and forget the emptiness I feel.

Take me to your garden,
let me die there,
because I'd rather fade away,
than face the outside world.
Nao Sep 2020
I smiled.
thank you
Nao Jan 2022
Eyes were wide open
I never wanted any of this
and the constant shaking of my aching body
didn't seem to communicate
the no trying to cross my clenched jaw.
They always tell you it's the people you know
the people you trust
I never thought
It would be you
Nao Sep 2021
I never know when it starts.
not when it comes to her.
maybe it was 2 days ago,
when someone didn’t smile at her,
or maybe 2 weeks ago
when it started raining.
maybe it was 2 years ago,
on Christmas because **** always goes down on winter break.
Maybe sadness was always with her,
maybe it never left,
maybe it never will.
Maybe that’s who she is,
a nostalgic smile.
she’s somehow infinite,
She never really starts or ends,
and yet time goes by so fast,
She disappears,
no promises,
and maybe just maybe,
if you’re important enough,
she’ll notice when you leave,
I never know when it starts.
She seems so far.
Her eyes are always clouded,
under those thick lashes of hers,
covered in mascara and dried tears.
If you’re lucky enough,
she might answer your questions,
she might laugh at your jokes,
and maybe just for a second,
she might close her eyes when you hold her hand,
And let down her barriers,
just for a split second
that seems to last forever.
She feels so close.
I never know when it starts,
her sadness I mean.
It’s familiar,
a shadow behind every ray of sunshine she produces,
because she’s an angel this human,
Regular angel,
with bleached hair and painted lips,
soft voice and soft hands,
apologetic smiles,
when she says she’s doing well but isn’t sure.
I like to think I know her,
the one who does her makeup on facetime,
and plays the piano in the dark.
And I like to think I know when she starts to feel okay,
this girl who chooses her earrings every morning,
I like to think I’m important enough
For her to notice when I leave.
She’s somehow simple,
under her labels of “complex”
she’s a very human little angel
with her bleached hair and painted lips,
soft voice and soft hands,
I never know when it starts,
not when it comes to her,
but I like to think,
I can somewhat understand.
When she plays,
this girl we all want to know,
she takes you with her,
in memories, you don’t have
and moment’s you haven’t lived,
places you haven’t seen.
Get out of my life
i beg you
Nao Mar 2019
Once again,
I discover
I can't trust you.
Oh, it's not a surprise,
But it hurts everytime.
Darling can't you see
I can't forgive you anymore?
Nao Jan 2019
Nothing was true. Nothing was wrong.
Nothing was there.
and yet...
Nothing had gone. Nothing had left.
Nothing had stayed.
and yet...
Nao Dec 2018
Don't ask me how I feel.
Don't touch me to comfort me
And don't even think about smiling,
like you know
like you understand.
You don't.
Nao Jan 2019
you hurt me well
so nicely that
I could't even stand up anymore

you hurt me well
so sweetly that
there's nothing left that I want to explore
These are lyrics to a song I wrote... Hoping you'll enjoy. ^^
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