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Nite Apr 2016
It's so hard
To keep on pretending to be strong when all you want to do is cry

It's so hard
To go to sleep and then rise early in the morning and face all your troubles again

It's so hard
To keep a smile on your face when all you want to do is punch them in the noggin

It's so hard
When you've tried your best yet everything still goes awry

It's easier
To just put your head in the noose and cut off the air supply

It's easier
To just step off that ledge and wave your troubles goodbye

It's easier
To toast their health while they sip on their drinks which you've poisoned

It's easier
To just slit your wrist and find sweet release
Written 13 years ago when I was 21 at a time when a few of my friends including my best friend passed away. Some to suicide and some to other things.
Nite Apr 2016
There's a girl with walls around her
Walls that were built to protect her from the evils of the world
Walls with masks hanging
Each showing a different face

I see her behind her walls

The more she's hurt
The thicker the walls become
Effectively deterring anyone from getting close
Yet trapping her inside

I see her behind her walls

The facades she brings forth
Are carefully calculated
To minimise any foul play
So that she doesn't have to have her heart
And soul scarred and broken again

I see her behind her walls

She runs behind her walls
Flinging sarcasm, insults and indifference
Whenever someone tries to get close
As she's learned time and again
That every time she brings down her walls and allow someone into her heart with the promise that she doesn't need her walls anymore
They tear her defenses down from the inside
Leaving her to rebuild all by herself

I see her behind her walls

I come knocking on her walls
Calling for her to let me in
Telling her that
I see her behind her walls
And that I love her
And that I'm not asking her to bring down her walls
But to build our own walls
Just us

Can you see us behind our walls?
You're not welcome
This was written a couple of years ago but the last two lines were just added recently
Nite Apr 2016
Thank you
For listening to me
When like a prepubescent schoolboy
 I laid my cards on the table
 Bared my heart and soul to you
This secret that I've been hiding

For sharing with me
Those dreamy eyes
That silly grin
That infectious giggle
That warm smile

For letting me in your life
Allowing me to hold you in my arms Where we spoke of our lives,      
dreams and love
Of fears and hope,
thoughts and ambitions

For gifting me with your
Gentle yet passionate kisses
Your fierce yet soft hugs
Your chaste yet sensual,        
electrifying touches

For willing to brave the future with me
We know not where or what it'll bring us
But with your hands in mine
We'll face it together like
Wonder Woman with her shield and sword

For being the best thing
That's happened to me in a very long time
Embracing these moments that we have with each other
Wishing time will freeze
and we never have to let each other go

Your love and sacrifice
I don't deserve
But I will always treasure
Your heart, body and soul
Forever I hope to have and hold
                    You complete me

               **Thank you for loving me
You're my Wonder Woman
  Apr 2016 Nite
call me Pluto--
for I am tucked
Away into the
darkest corner of
the universe where
forgotten stardust collects,
hidden behind gaping
never with the  
the privilege of
being sun-kissed
and obliterated by
the warmest star.
Writer's block makes for terrible company.
  Apr 2016 Nite
Thomas P Owens Sr
the beat changes in your presence
skips to a slightly altered cadence
more blood, more power
the awakening of my heart
the eyes more perceptive
the brain aglow
the scent of you kisses the marrow
and ignites every nerve
these moments
I breathe you
absorb you
quiver in your touch

such is the rhythm
of love
Nite Apr 2016
Irrational is the rule love goes by
The heart takes over
And your thoughts wander
That special one's absence you cannot abide

Stolen moments
Secret smiles
Meetings in secret
Kisses stolen

In comfortable silence we sit
Just knowing that we're alive in each other's arms
Content in the moment
Wishing for time to be frozen

Hand on your face
Lips locked in embrace
Cool ocean breeze setting the scene
We threw caution to the wind

Now the sun has come up
And it's time for the difficult goodbye
Our lips part with a promise unspoken
Waiting for the next stolen moment
  Mar 2016 Nite
Grant me forgiveness.
For my mouth had acted prematurely
and erred.
Acrid words my tongue can't retract.
My lips quiver,
pursed and scared.

Grant me relief.
For my ego had lunged.
Fueled emotions that strayed.
Sensible thoughts in mind
that my heart had betrayed.

Grant me strength and courage.
Let the next morn's sun,
illuminate the dark obstinacy of my heart.
Allow this bitter turbidity to pass.
So I could walk the hard road,
to a brand new start.
Sometimes words carry more venom than fangs.
And often, the path to absolution lies first, in forgiving oneself.
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