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I'm just a junkyard dog.
Old scars tell my story.
I'm left water and scraps.
Alone in the dark I sleep
and dream of a better life
and love with *******
I smell beyond fences.
Love just out of reach.
I seen you all before,
One too many times.
I fear not what’s in store,
While you hide the crimes.
Petty you, I shadows,
Your standard is failed.
Look up, there’s your gallows,
Dead bodies all wailed.
Your sins were never mine,
All in your dear head.
I no longer benign,
I already bled.
No more we are in sight,
Die alone your own blight…
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
As time it feels
It never heals
Burning desires no longer
Regret swollen as my own skin
What left inside
No more their pride
I dare not begin speak my sin
Knowing the time I spent tasted
I have lost some
Becoming numb
Love no longer to be wasted
Say half my heart not given yet
Shy stricken pain
Dare not say name
Tortured as a soul lifelong pet
The heart telling me to love all
The hurt’s intense
What left condense
Not knowing your time when to fall
Lost in the wonder of falsehood
Death not my first
Living pain worst
What tried I have done all I could
So say it so
Time when to go
Heart letting go the past to rest
A staggering buck comes to life
But awakens to find
A tone of peace
It is something
To ease
The regrets and fights to come time
Will only come to past
Antlered in time
To last
Drinking from  the water of life
He stands tall to the sun
Fearing it down
Gets numb
Sometimes not knowing where to go
The forest all
Freedom to choose
His call
It snows today
When you realize
They weren’t your true love
They mess it up for love
You debate and decide who
But seems nothing true
You lose again
Over to be
Over to all end
Until you find a friend
It seems nothing will be lost
But comes with a cost
Heaven running into your arms,
Was always a deep blessing.
You have always bought loving charms,
Your peace a rising dressing.
I have met the love of my life,
Meditated by mortals.
Missing true loved ones of all strife,
I must face dept of portals.
Did I do this for him dying,
Knowing the other side on?
Knowing left what was all trying,
Here not left suffer a son?
What left a wanted will become,
A sacrifice worth to be done…
Resurrecting Angels, Daemons In Love With Tangles… XIV
They turned him,
Shifted of His own lost doing…
And, he left,
For he left of His own choosing.
Many years,
Many years they strayed him from love.
Mouse to tears,
He dared not to attack love dove.
Turned they are,
Reaping the ones who all have hurt,
Ourts so far,
Repeating seizure demise worth,
Feral cat,
Stressed a’lat.
Thank you Hello Poetry. It’s not your fault. I love ya’ll. 🥺🔏❤️‍🔥
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