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  Sep 2015 Antoinette G
If thoughts could be weighed and sold,
I'd be a millionaire by now.

But it can't so instead i'm an amateur poet.

Leigh Herondale  *August 2015
Antoinette G Sep 2015
Calm and Peaceful
With sky a stormy gray
She stood and beheld
The vibrant green
Of the fields
Which her homestead lay
And in the distance
She gazed upon
A sea with rough and crashing wave
Its once crystal waters
Now churned angrily
Sending forth a frothy white spray
She standing on a cliff
That was so far away
Basked in the tranquility of the moment
Not worrying what would happen soon, at any moment
With a BOOM of thunder
With a flash of lightning
The storm began
And her one special moment
Was gone never to come back
The once peaceful countryside
Was torn asunder
With this storms mighty blows
And it was so hard to believe
That just moments ago
It had been such a different scene
In which to observe
And as the stormed raged on
The girl watched the rain fall
The thunder BOOM
And the lightning call
And she remembered those moments
Those quiet ones
And she treasured them
She treasured them most of all
I feel like we all feel like this sometimes
  Sep 2015 Antoinette G
Francie Lynch
It may take too long a time to write,
For the anxious future's now the past,
But the words are flowing out at last.
Composing verse on love and hate,
Death and youth,
And all of nature,
First and all loves,
All relations,
The beauty in all of creation.

I'm pleased to share
My P.O.V.,
On myriad subjects
That interest me;
A perogative poets share
At all stages.
We take liberties,
Endure indignities,
Being the voices
Of all ages.
  Sep 2015 Antoinette G
Kelsey Brewski
his breath woke me up every night
we lay in bed; no, it wasn't
that his breath smelled of toxins,
but of dandelions and poppies.
his hair smelled like he rolled around in
fields of roses and he was
the single dandelion that begged and
pleaded to fit in.
he would never fit
in but he didn't know that, so
he kept trying and it was
so beautiful to say the least.
underneath his skin, in-between
his veins and his bones are tiny seeds that
i planted with kisses and they
grow with my love, when i wrap my
bony arms around him and
squeeze tightly - it lets him
know that he's not normal, that he's
not right in the head but
i love that. so when he wakes me
in the middle of the night, as
i lie between him and the emptiness of
the night, i think that i'm dying
but the moon light lingers and i
know i am safe with his flower breath
and the weeds growing in-between
us and the roots that grow out
of my heels and strangle the love
picture frames on our off-white
bedroom wall. i stare at those cookie-cutter
pictures and wish i wasn't right
in the head, too, but if we both were
psychotic, he wouldn't be a dandelion.
so i stay awake and watch
his beauty radiate in the darkness of
the night and wish that i
was that beautiful too. but he
tells me that my battle wounds don't
amount to anything to him, that my skin
is a ghost to him. i wish
he saw me for me, but his eyes
see the beauty that he grows.
but several nights he leaves me and
i am cold and i am worthless and
i pray to a god that he will
come back and taunt me because
i cannot stand it when he is
not here between my fragile arms
keeping me warm and safe.
i beg him when he returns to just
stay the night, just one more night,
because i cannot bare to
sleep without the dandelion amidst
all the rose petals. i need
my dandelion to keep me safe
and to be the needle in the
haystack - i need him to be in my
arms because idon'twanttosleepalone.
Antoinette G Sep 2015
My pulse is racing
I can feel their eyes on me
My heart is aching
What is it they want to see?
My legs are quacking
I feel like I'm drowning in an endless sea
My life is a endless berating
Keep walking, don't look like your in a sense of urgency
With a final burst of energy
My daily task is complete
I've made it to the safety
Of Period III
  Sep 2015 Antoinette G
Kachi Sawagu
My wings have been torn
Maybe ever since I've been born
For some reason why
Society doesn't want us to fly

Or maybe it's just us
Who holds ourselves back
We blame others
And think they keep us off track

In reality it's us
And it's all it ever was
What if we were made to soar
And not cry or let our blood drip on the floor

We're just too selfish to get the things that we want
No, you don't need to flaunt
And make others feel bad
Instead of happy, they're just sad

We're broken in pieces
Because we fell from the sky
Little did we know, our wings were growing for us to fly.
Here's to the people who feel what I feel, to those who think they can't soar.
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