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Antoinette G Sep 2015
you told me you were leaving me
when all i wanted you to do was stay
i thought my world had ended that day
you tore my soul and heart away
leaving me feeling numb and gray
i remember that there was nothing i could say
to keep you from going on your way
so here i lay
after i had stared at your back as u went away
and my tears fall silently every day
as i remember the look you use to send my way
how i use to feel so gay
now my world looks so dim and gray
but i must pretend to be ok
because i have to see you everyday

i see you in the hall of our school
surrounded by girls who thought i was a fool,
for letting you get go
and i'm getting tired of all the ridicule
to me my life now seems so surreal
and i just want you to know how i feel
so now i say good-bye samuel


Antoinette G Sep 2015
One day
Mother's won't have to worry for their
children if they are late to getting home
Getting more nervous as the
Minutes slowly tick away
Wondering if this morning was the
Last time they'd ever see their child
Or say I love you

One day
Teens won't throw their lives away
Because some of their peers made their life a daily pain
With hurtful bards of words and scarring memories
Because they are just a little different

One day
Policemen and citizens alike will not have to fear each other
And can stand united as one to fight the real bad guys
Where there will be no more funerals for the people's lives
That were taken due to this struggle
That is causing all this pain

One day
Females everywhere will have rights
To learn, to choose, to have a voice
Where they are not tried to be silenced by those who would hold them back
Where they have the opportunity to make the world a between place
And even if they don't want it it was still an option

One day
People of won't live in fear of being killed by others because of their religion
Scared in their own town
All due to a couple of extremist who can't be caught
Where something people should be proud about
Is now a source of fear

One day
Girls won't measure themselves by What they see on magazines or tv
But look to their inner beauty
Where being bigger set than others isn't a wrong thing
Where being anorexic is a serious problem
And not a way to get skinny fast

One day
People won't be ridiculed because they like people of the same ***
Where they are forced by society to pretend
Knowing they'll never truly fit in
Living in fear of being hurt if they let their true feelings appear

One day
It won't be cool to be mean to others
Where everyone will treat others with a mediocre of respect
Where even the kid in the back of the class will have at least on friend
So they don't feel alone

One day
There will be no third or fourth world countries
Where there will be no more people living in trash heaps
And at least have some food to eat
Where parents have to struggle daily just to put a little food into their child's belly

One day
There will be no more soldiers running into wars
With bullets zipping past their heads
And sleepless nights in their beds
When they leave the battlefields of war
Only to come home to another battle

One day
School will be a safe zone
Where parents can send their kids
Without worry something will go wrong
Where students can learn
And grow strong

One day
There will bad water
No islands made of trash
And we won't have to worry when we won't have clean water anymore
Where global warming isn't a norm

One day
Getting and education for the working class
Won't be like digging a student loan grave
And people spend years of their life trying to pay
For something that should have been

One day
There will be no need for feminist
Because be no certain way to dress
Or they will be a consequence  
And you won’t have to worry about
Weather what you're are wearing is
Going to get you picked on
Laughed at ,Teased

One Day
I wrote this poem after reading the newspaper. I know I'm young  but this stuff still bothers me so much. Maybe I'm just to young to know ay better.
Antoinette G Sep 2015
I remember the first time I saw him
If I'd only knew then how he'd leave me feeling so grim
But I fell for his good looks and how he acted proper and prim
I thought he loved me just as much as I loved him
But he left me drowning when I thought we were going to swim

Left me alone in the dark
Took all of life's spark
When he told me he was leaving and I had no remark
And watched his back as he disembarked
on another journey with another girl
Leaving no part of me unmarked
No part of my heart unscared

I'll always remember him
He was my first crush
He was my first love
Andhe was the one who rendered
me useless to the world
But he has moved on
And so must I
With *Him
Antoinette G Apr 2015
On the wall
See how even the mighty
Struck with the blows of those
That know that their call
Will be heard by all

With the glass you had
Long in the past
And nothing left
But broken glass
And empty frame
A visible reminder of your pain

Can't you see
You aren't the real
Reflection of me
You are the thing that
I hate to see
Knowing that I will never be
The real true me

How I've tried to be the one
I am on the inside
But at every turn
Someone was there
To push me down
To where I'd been before

Please don't tell
Tell of the things that
I have spoken
Unto you
Because if it comes to light
That I am not as perfect as I seem
Than I will be like you mirror
*Broken at the seams
Antoinette G Mar 2015
They say if I want to fit in

Than I should

Walk like them

Talk like them

Dress Like them

They say that beauty

Is in the eye of the beholder

Well, someone needs to inform them

Because they say that in order to be pretty

Or to fit in

You have to be like them

It's everywhere you go

On the television on your favorite show

On the billboards you pass on the road

On the books that you read

On the movie screens

On the cover of magazines

They are there

They are what we all wish to be

They have the perfect faces

With the perfect teeth

With the perfect long legs

And the perfect bodies

We know that they aren't that perfect

But we still want to be like them

We know that they use filters

And have the top make-up artist working on them

Yet we still

Want to spend hundreds of dollars

So that we can have those clothes that they wear

Have that look  

By buying that $20 make-up

They rule our lives

They rule our minds

But why ?

Why do we let them decide

We need to take back our power

We need to show some self pride

We should stop looking to them

To tell us what pretty is

We need to become a me

A I'm pretty
Instead of a their pretty
We need to look at ourselves

And set the standard

Because your you

So you should be you

Instead of a them
Antoinette G Mar 2015
Some say that it's easy to forget
Others that it'll haunt you forever
But I don't believe that
I feel like pain is a
That it walks around
Looking for it's next victim
That it is
Of our lives
That it waits patiently in a corner
Waiting for that moment
That one moment
That you
Mess up
Fall down
Embarrass yourself
Or are hurt
Just so that it can come out
Then it'll sit down beside you
And envelope you in it
And every time that you
Think that your finally free
It'll pull you back in
Soon you'll be surrounded
And you'll give up
Then as you cry
Or break down
Pain simply gets up
And moves on
Forever repeating it's cycle
Because Pain
Pain you see
Is Immortal
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