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 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
Solitude found a friend in me
Winter stole the rest
Wondering where my heart might be
While soul is sinking west

A paler shade of night comes 'round
Moon forgets to rise
An empty lamp of light surrounds
A view of starless skies

With eyes shut wide to lonesome light
Dreams escape my thoughts
Silence awakens fear of flight
A journey all for nought.

r ~ 4/16/14
  / \
It's such the contradiction
the way you make me feel
like the earth has drunk
the whiskey,
the sun's sober spill.
Tilted on my axis,
weaker in my knees
I don't exactly grasp
the spell you put on me.
You sedate me oh so smoothly,
like ***** in a glass,
My morning mug of coffee,
you keep me clear, fast.
like clockwork, your lips find mine,
and my heart is in your hand
sober and intoxicated
just like you had planned
© 2014 by Jazzelle Monae. All rights reserved.
my body
                 to move
        to your
of the everyday
stripped of the core
the skin remains
and so extremely light
it disappears
by the wind
without you noticing it

© Marialenn 2013
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery

Melodies ~ ringing on soft cool winds,
dangling from tiny strings in metallic forms
Swaying in harmony with your smile
reflecting the mid day sun
in glimmering highlights of whipped cream whispers
on wings of stained glass dreams

For it was that day you kissed me,
for the very first time ~
(When buttercups blushed as I held them to your chin)
and my lips tingled, unending,
understanding this was more than just a touching of skin,
a melted meeting of two

~Music called to us from the branches above,
serenading our hearts in sweet blissful sounds
on soft grasses, fingers intertwined~

Your eyes, hypnotized me there, in that place
and you kissed me again…this one held
Passion breathing, love had found me
coiled about me and clung to me
On that day, unlike any other
I could imagine…I fell for you

Now as cool winds blow
and leaves cascade in multicolored waves
That wind chime, suspended from that old maple rings,
singing sweetly of that first kiss,
a musical remembrance of that day
of which no reminder needs due ~ for my lips they still tingle
I'm digging a knife
into my prosthetic limbs,
imploring my body for a reaction.
--like a prayer;
calling out for an
answer though one
is never expected--
There are these gashes
down my shin, in my mind
I see angry cuts that bleed
out, pouring sweet hemoglobin
onto the tile floor below, coagulating
into a beautiful scar.
It is only a vision; fantasy of the mind.
A quick look downward reveals
only chiseled tendrils of plastic.
Yet I'm still digging.
Knife after knife.
Limb after limb.
--first the left arm,
then the other,
both the legs, soon
up towards the torso--
The knives get larger
now they are serrated,
and sharpened to the death,
begging for a wince of pain,
a drop of blood
to quench that thirst.
Each **** holds new hope;
a magnificent anxiety.
Each knife holds a gleam
of excitement deep in the steel
that draws cursive across
my corpse.
Still, no spillage ensues,
naught a flinch from my tense
anticipating nerves.
But you, my new knife,
are quite exquisite.
Could I, perchance,
entreat you to gut me?
To slit me open?
Dig out my corpse, knife,
find me something worth hurting for.
Being eaten alive cannot be
that terrible. It was a tempting idea,
as I thought on the vultures
that wait there upon the fence.
As I thought on the beaks
snapping at my ventricles, claws
grasping with taloned ferocity deep
into the pit of my stomach.
It cannot be so bad.
Inside the bar, I sip
on scotch and soda
I was out with a woman;
an older beaut that led me
in magnificent circles
of conversation till
I found myself drunk and
without a word to say. Slightly
later in the evening I
ran into an old flame that
I never wished had gone
out. --Yet as they do,
so did she--
This vulture was stunning
in the lamplight of the
plaza, asking me over a drink
how I came to have this woman out,
in all this time without one.
Boredom was my only answer.
Its tendency to draw me in,
with an excusable neglect to
realize the futility of such sport.
She knew, merely in the look she
gave me. She knew the ***** secret of the
skin that grasps and yearns for that almighty friction.
She knew, for indeed she played the
game well enough. Many men have found
her since me, and many more would
seek her out and find her, until I was
merely a tally on the mark. But she
knew that moment, over scotch and soda,
how bad the vultures had me, she
knew that moment, sitting there upon the fence,
that she led the charge.
She never said a word, finished her drink,
took a dance with a man I'll never know.
The woman I came with stormed home,
enraged over something I'll never know,
and the world danced around me to
a tune of which I'll never know.
Instead, I sat over another scotch and soda
and wondered how
bad it could possibly be
to be eaten alive.
It'll never work
we both know
This love
has nowhere else to go

But one look
from those soft brown eyes
and I want to change my mind
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