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Drop your Grudge Rants
by the door
We Will Not Tolarate
This Anymore

Edit and toss Distasteful Rhymes
Ugly Poems with Vain designs

Haughty thoughts and
bitter words
Childish petty accusing verbs

Who did What to Who and When
Will this Clusterfuck never end?

Selfish actions, Spoiled Children
We Refuse to be your Minions

Like CNN
And Drone Fox news

We've had enough of
Self Serving views

Hurting hearts, far and wide
tender Poets with
tenuous pride

Yet, Strutting and Indignant
for who I ask?
All those involved,
A Donkeys ***

Not a home for
Egotistical Zealots
Nor a place for
flinging pellets

We come in Peace, HP to share
Not get caught in ugly snares

And to the few that
have the gaul.

"If you have nothing decent to say,
say nothing at all"



Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
Many of us feel so cheated when we
have a moment to come onto HP
and our time is wasted by ugly
degrading Rant Writes
against other Poets.
SERIOUSLY. . Come on.. REALLY???????
 Jan 2016 Sin
Tear Drop
I keep sleeping because
when I sleep I don't
get to think of you.
If you are reading this right now you are probably a stranger who has never met me

I don’t know you personally and I have no idea what is going on in your world

I am not very good with people so excuse my awkwardness

If tonight you are having one of those night’s where everything seems off

Where everything seems to be crashing down around you

Where all of your past mistakes seem to be knocking on your door and

Voices are telling you to snort that *******, to cut yourself with that razor

To pour that glass of *****, to run into oncoming traffic just to feel anything but the emptiness you feel now

If your heart is breaking, if your parents are fighting

If your best friend betrayed you by sleeping with your boyfriend or

Someone very close to you died

If your feeling suicidal, lost, depressed, stressed to ******* capacity to the point you think you will absolutely lose it then

I want you to read these next words very carefully

You are much more than your past

You are not your mistakes

You don’t need that adrenaline rush, that sight of blood

That alcohol or that specific drug to feel better

Your life is far from ending

That feeling as if everything is ****** up is just the beginning of something spectacular being born into your life

In life great things never come without a little pain first

Whatever it is you are feeling I want you to know it is temporary

I want you to tell yourself that you are beyond extraordinary

You are strong enough to handle anything life throws at you because you are a bad ***

Nothing and no one can tear you down

Cry if you need to, scream if you need to, throw something if you need to

Feel whatever it is you need to feel, fall down, crash, let your emotions hit you

Then I want you to get back up, take a deep breath and keep going

Life is ****, life is down right awful sometimes and it doesn’t ever make sense

If there is one thing I know from my past experiences

It’s that there is something wonderful to look forward to

There is something worth living for and proof of that shows up when you least expect it

So before you go to sleep tonight

Please don’t forget to look into the mirror and tell yourself how wonderful you are

Because the truth is we are all facing demons but no matter what demons tend to haunt us

We can overcome them, we will overcome them

Saying no to whatever you use to escape from your pain is the first step to beating that demon
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders

WRITTEN ON: January. 16, 2016 Saturday 12:27 AM
 Jan 2016 Sin
Silently wind blows away the pain,
With moon rays showering down something to gain.
The slightest twinkle in the first star,
Sparking a flame that will help go far.
The chill from the dark blue night,
Embedding me with a will to fight.
The mist from the clouds above me,
Amplifying the hope to see.
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