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 Feb 2016 Sin
Little Bear
Hey guess what?/?!!!
in ducking drunk out of my dublin house
i cant aven see the ****** floor holy shiv
this is my first druma text ha
a nun a texttiny thingo any more way....................
''''''''''''''''''''''''' colloalp
i  had so
many bears and now i caint ducking see
won inn i need a leba
in so hungry i could eat a eat any
love yo you assimlle forever
put the kettl on in booming good duel
So crap.. it has to be some form of art :o)
Actual text I found on my phone from last year.
I have no idea who I was going to send it to
and I had no memory of it the next day.
I think I was waiting for a taxi with my friend,
maybe I thought I was sending it to her???
Who knows..
 Feb 2016 Sin
Samuel Hesed
We dance in it's pleasures.
We count it's treasures.

We hide from it's terror.
We wait for it's surrender.

Oh, how I love adventures.
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
 Feb 2016 Sin
 Feb 2016 Sin
Its all fun and games til someone falls in love,
Its all fun and games til someone asks for more,
And suddenly the fun will stop.
You'll drift apart, the love will rot.
It'll fester in your chest, and when you've had enough you'll beg for death,
Because all the love that you have to give won't be enough to save you from this
 Feb 2016 Sin
Late Night Lost
 Feb 2016 Sin
What are you doing?
Have you not a clue at all?
Being on high all the time is a short fuse away from wasted life, and its a round about way to pretend you are right.
You stay up all night because you can't sleep, and its eating at your conscience every hour of the week like you're the all night dinner from down the street
 Feb 2016 Sin
Little Bear
 Feb 2016 Sin
Little Bear
I leave this place.
The clouds of humiliation hang heavy,
drenching my naked skin.
The air damp with shame.

Looking back at the town
called worry and torment.
My naked form ridiculed and put in stocks
as the towns folk aimed their best.
My time was served
for no crime that I committed.

And I am now leaving.
To wander the hills and woodland once again.
To find my peace.

My rucksack now packed with my hopes,
like Lambas bread.
A small cake of it
would feed a grown man for a day,
even with a hard march ahead.
I know there are many in my bag.
Enough to last a lifetime.

My water skin filled with laughter,
drinking deeply to quench my thirst.
I know the clear springs I find
will fill my bottle to the brim.

My dreams are worn about me,
as the finest cloth,
To give me warmth at night
and to hide me from my foe.
Their colour indiscernible,
neither grey nor green.
The soft Hithlain hangs about my shoulders
clasped with a broach of comfort.

I wear my friendships under my garments,
keeping them close to my heart.
As strong as Mithril.
And just as beautiful.

My map shows the way to happiness,
just over the horizon.
Away from this town.

The sun shines through the trees,
showing me the way.
The only thing I can trust is that it will rise in the east
and will set in the west.
Everything else will be met with caution.
A lesson well learned.

My heart is light,
my mind clear,
I know the way ahead will be led
only by my own footsteps.
Walking barefoot to the new lands that await me.

waving my map...


I love Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings'..
Just read 'The Hobbit' for the second time.
Now reading 'The Fellowship of the Ring' again...
'The Two Towers' next!!!

One day I will be brave and read 'The Silmarillion'

When life gives you lemons, keep 'em, because hey... free lemons.!!

 Feb 2016 Sin
Black Book Poetry
Daisy, Daisy, how lovely
to be a banal child.
Safe from harm and hurt and death,
your roots do hold you wild.

Your life doth last some while
as you carry on
nourished by your parent ground;
shan't your woes be gone?

But oh, how lovely it would be
to be the blessed Rose;
what charm, what awe, what livelihood
one of that kind knows.

Daisy, Daisy, how lovely
to live a mundane while.
Your beauty lies in lengthy life,
your commonplace beguiles.
 Feb 2016 Sin
Tiberias Paulk
Wake Up
 Feb 2016 Sin
Tiberias Paulk
Wake up from slumber brother where is your mind
uncover rubble slumberer the truth you've yet to find
raise your voice up whisperer the serpents coil poised
they strangle at our throats, and we've yet to make a noise
smile knowingly devourer the earth is nearly reaped
wake up from slumber brother, lest it happen while you sleep
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