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 Jan 24 Micko
I want you.

I want to know your favorite color and your middle name.
I want to know about the people you hate and how you found out you loved women.

How do you make your sandwiches?
What foods do you like and can’t pronounce?
What places do you want to see and what words do you know but can’t explain the definition?

Can we cuddle?  
And by cuddle I don’t just mean lay on you, because trust me, I can do that without cuddling. By cuddling I mean let me hold you till you forget your problems and I finally stop talking.

I want to call you baby. I want to sit in a room, with you, listening to jazz music.

I want to feel your pulse and you feel mine,
I want to hear your heartbeat dance to the rhythm of the same songs on the corny playlist on Spotify I made that remind me of you.

The Special Playlist,
(I call it)
The Makeout Playlist,
(you do).

I want to only be about to hear our synced hearts
and the slow songs
and the weight of the world leaving our shoulders
plopping onto the floor with your worries
and the jacket I took off of you when you first came in.

I want you to tease me
because I significantly failed as a former lesbian
because I’ve never watched Orange is the New Black
or The L Word
“You’re not Lesbian certified”
You’ll tell me.

I want to speak to you
In my limited German vocabulary
and watch gay movies
and let you tease me even more
when you find out I can’t sit through *** scenes
even the really gay ones,
and ****** isn’t my thing.
It’s okay though,
Your laugh is cute.

And I want to kiss you.
I want to kiss you like
we’re those ***** *** teenagers
from Romeo and Juliet,
(but with a better ending).
I want to kiss you like
there’s nobody else in the world
And there aren’t people who hate me for liking you
And your family won’t care if you love me because
I want to kiss you.

Let me buy you flowers,
and want to take you on dates.

Let me take you to McDonald’s
and order off the dollar menu because
I believe in treating my girl right
(And I get an employee discount)

let me tell you why I churches make me nervous
and how I don’t believe in God and
why I don’t like birthday parties
And how I want to have my cake and eat it too
Even though I hate cake
And prefer cupcakes,
But nothing is better than cake if that’s you.

I want you to know why I played trumpet for three years then switched to baritone,
I want to know if you’ve ever done drugs and how it felt.
What are your morals and values?
What’s your utopia?

I want to send you goodnight texts and spend hours talking about nothing
And dance offbeat with you because
neither of us could have rhythm to save our lives.
I’ll let you scream fight me when I let you win in games I would destroy you at because you get that goofy smile when you think you’ve won.

Introduce me to your family and I’ll show you mine.
Let me see your baby photos and we can see foreign movies on Netflix.
Let’s go out for coffee and ask deep questions.

I don’t care, okay?
I just want you.
I need less free time
Everything came apart
shattered my heart
splinters always bring
paper cut pain unseen.
Part I

Dan was a great example and a Christian
He went to Church every Sunday and uplifted the community with a great personality
But he had a secret he never wished he had to hide
He liked guys
No matter how much he tried to like Women
He went back to his old habits
He tried everything in the book to turn
But nothing had ever worked
So his future was a growing concern
After months and months on end without an answer
He decided he'd amount enough courage to come out to everyone
But he soon found out that the people hes known for years that always welcomed him with a wide smile were not turning their backs with an intense stare
And the people who were there for him before didn't really care
His parents refused to talk to him until he became straight
He couldn't handle all of this emotional weight
So he decided he'd do the world a favor and  end it late
At night
When they found out he'd killed himself
The community erupted with freight
They weeped and cried
They prayed and prayed
But nothing could bring him back.
Their minds not had the image of him in it everywhere they'd go
And now they know
Not to reject anyone in the future
As they realized they were the ones who committed the Sin.

Part II

Christina was the sweetest Christian girl to ever grace the earth
She never said a bad thing to say about anyone
And always stayed true to her word
She loved reading forewords
And was a great student in all of her classes.
She was loved by the masses
But as she grew up into a teenager
She realized that Boys didn't ignite her hart like Girls did
And she wanted to know if something was wrong with her
Worrying that she'd be sent to Hell despite all her goodness
For thinking about holding hands with another woman
She was constantly distraught
She couldn't keep her lovers away from her parents
Because she'd be caught
She was trying to avoid being reprimanded
For being who she was
As the weeks dragged on
She couldn't take it anymore
Her all bad behavior in school greatly concerned hr parents
And they had no clue on what to do with her
She then admitted to her parents one night
After an intense argument
That she liked Girls instead of Boys
And she didn't feel ashamed of it
With her held up high and the confidence of a large statue
Her parents grew silent and stood there blankly for a moment
And up-roared in anger, insisting that she leaves the House
Screaming at her that she is going against God's will
And that she will be sent to Hell until she comes back
Admitting she was wrong and liked Boys
But that never moment never came.
Christina pursued her own life after many years of hard struggle and drugs, she finally found someone who was looking out for her the whole time.
After all the lost jobs, unpaid bills, and hospitalizations from binge drinking and drugs
She decided to end her frantic ways
When she realized her only friend's dismay
As she cried when she woke up from the Hospital bed the last time
Being hugged by the fact she was alive from it all
At that point, her heart grew tall
Registering the concept for the very first time
After that moment, Christina knew.
She asked her best friend to date her
And not too long afterwards, they were married.
Just like what Christina dreamed of in her teenage years, it was with a Girl.
This is not meant to offend Christians in any way. This poem was written to point out a common problem and to showcase the poor choices people can make. I'm not attacking Christians in any manner, just to clarify. I respect all Religions equally when they do things right. All good things have their flaws. I wrote this to help fix a common problem among Christians, so they can become better people for God and progress as people. Like i said, no hatred, just love! If you're Christian and you understand, you have my deepest thanks. I'm just a Deist with Christain beliefs incorporated who wants happiness for all. :)
 Nov 2024 Micko
Heather Wright
Everything has to end
But why did it have to be like this
Where you find out his love was pretend
And you’re left without a kiss
You know that he doesn’t even care
That you’re at home in tears
He has a new love affair
I am sure he would’ve taken anyone that volunteered
You try and get over it
But it still races through your mind
Its just hard to admit
How could you be so blind
The truth will set you free
But this is too painful
You can’t believe the lies you couldn’t see
He is disdainful
You know he will do this again
To this girl in the same way
She will cry in pain
Because that’s the game he plays
Someday he will find the right girl
Different than the rest
And his love will unfurl
He feels blessed
But than she does what he has done so many times before
And his heart will have to be stitched
He has gotten what he asked for
Because karma’s a *****

— The End —