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Michael May 2018
I don't like doing things
But I do them anyway because the benefits they bring
See when you do things other things occur
It's not the ideal system, any other I'd prefer
When you do things people become glad
and often when you don't they become mad
So yes, doing things may be hard, difficult, and tough
But doing things, changes the world
So you should do all that stuff
Michael May 2018
I don't know about you, but I'd love not to study
I'll do fine without, I've always been lucky
I needn't be a genius, or get straight A's
I don't need that attention, or any praise
Studying is an ability I have yet to aquire
I try sometimes, but quickly I tire
So I don't think I'll study, I'll just go with the flow
Now you may call me stupid, dim-witted, or slow
But I'll do what I'll do and have a good time
Life should be a ride, not always a climb
Michael May 2018
The Sun yelled to the Moon, "fight me, I dare you."
As day turned to night, both came into view.

"I will not fight, we are brothers you and I"
"And like it or not we must share the big sky"

The Sun sneered, "The sky is too small"
"I give the earth life, I deserve it all"

"I control water, the most powerful force"
"Without me life could not be, though yes you are the source."

"I give them energy, I give them sight."

"Yes, but you must agree most fun occurs at night."

"With you comes terror, fear, horror, and fright."

The Moon took a breath, "Sun, you are burning too bright"
"Do you really think it's a good idea to fight"
"Maybe you're just tired, take a break, rest your eyes"
"I'll cover for you, and then you can rise."
Michael May 2018
Work is hard, work is tough
It ain't easy, it's all rough

You wake up too early, you come home too late
This is a smelly pit stop on the road to your fate

There's sweat on your forehead, your pits, and your ***
Everything more expensive now, clothes, heat, food, and gas

The people you deal with have no care to be nice
Will you get a break today, a roll of the dice

Your coworkers are tools, your boss is a ****.
But I guess that is why it is called work
Michael May 2018
I am lonely, I am lonely
For I have no one to see

I am lost, I am lost
for I have no where to be

I am still , I am still
For I have nothing to do

I am sad, I am sad
For I miss you

I am happy, I am happy
For I've got what  I got

I am grateful, I am grateful
For there are so many who have not.
Michael May 2018
Her favorite song was awful and she'd play it everyday
No matter her effort, my taste in music would not sway

Now she's gone, her music too
And to hear that ****** song once more there's nothing I wouldn't do.
Michael May 2018
I believe in a number of things
Horses, gators, even mammals with wings
I believe that a bird and a rat, got cozy one night
and that became that
that as in bat
a bat became that
from the bed of a bird and a rat.
the bird saw the rat being chased by the cat
that they had in common, the cat was a brat
So they chatted and chatted, till the chat became flat
I haven't a bed, but I do have this mat, said the rat.
This mat will do, the bird said as she sat.
soon that became that
that as in a bat
a bat became that
from the bed of a bird and a rat.
I'm tired
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