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Melina Neruda Mar 2015
I remember trying to touch the moon, because it seemed more possible than you
  Nov 2014 Melina Neruda
Why do we dwell on the past
When life is full of contrast
Do we find peace in pain
Or do we just sit and remain

If we simply forget
Will we feel triumphant
I feel that memory is key
But yet you do not truly see

What burns inside
And tears the new divide
Or do you find comfort in what you confide
I do not care what you did to me...

Because you are just a *beautiful memory
  Nov 2014 Melina Neruda
You make the ordinary extraordinary.
Melina Neruda Nov 2014
She was the kind of beauty
That would exist only in
Melina Neruda Nov 2014
You passed a letter to me one summer’s day
Telling me you weren’t the same
That you liked vanilla and chocolate
Swirled together
That you liked your coffee how you liked your men
-you preferred tea
You looked at me with eyes of hope
Filled with shooting stars
I knew a part of you didn’t
Wish me to leave
You feared that the truth would hurt
And I would be like the rest
And turn my back against you
And act as if you were a stranger
I got up and left
And sat down in a bench
I thought about it long and hard
I didn’t just want to say
What everyone else would say
After moments I walked down the path
To where I was to meet you
I looked into your eyes and smiled
You were the same as before
No different at all
You were still the same person
In which I couldn’t live without
The same person that found me
When I couldn’t find myself
You Are the Same
You are the one I learned to love
And love…
Love does not discriminate
A poem dedicated to my best friend.

— The End —