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MeanAileen Aug 2017
***** *** and cigarettes
bad decisions, no regrets.
Painted lips and fingertips
lace, leather, gags and whips.
Cheap motels, steamy nights
sweaty flesh and candlelights.
Pushing limits, breaking rules
naked dips in swimming pools.
Getting high while living low
riding rails, pure white snow.
Playing games & telling lies
the look of lust in lovers eyes.
Rendevouz in seedy places
sloppy kisses, hot embraces.
Ménage à trios, or even four!
Anything goes behind locked door...
Shots of Jack make it all alright-
just another dirt-bag night.
50% fiction...
MeanAileen Aug 2017
Tell me how very stupid I am,
tell me I don't know ****.
Tell me it's only my imagination,
tell me not to trip.
Tell me what a fool I'm acting,
even tell me I'm a liar...
Just tell me that this time apart
hasn't put out the fire.
Tell me that I really don't see
love dying in your eyes.
Tell me all I've known to be real
wasn't just made up of lies.
Tell me that the desire is still there,
that passion is still alive.
Tell me something as strong as 'us'
knows only how to survive.
Tell me that the affection, now gone,
is something I still can feel.
Tell me that all my doubts and fears
are unfounded and unreal.
Tell me it's just my messed-up head,
tell me it's all a mistake...
Tell my feelings to stop hurting so much,
tell my heart not to break.
Tell me that you can't live without me
the way I can't without you.
Tell me how much you still do love me
though I'll know it's not true....
Just going thru some old notebooks and came across this one.  It's old, but I kinda like it
MeanAileen Aug 2017
I miss you in the morning, love
when the world is bright and new...
but that world will bring no joy,
because it brings no you.

I miss you in the daytime, love
where the sun beats heavy and hot...
but how can I find happiness there,
in a place where you are not?

I miss you in the evening, love
when darkness consumes the light...
and yet I see no pleasure in this,
because you're nowhere in sight.

I miss you in the mid-night, love
as the moon's silver light beams...
cold and alone I drift off to sleep,
and still, I miss you in my dreams~
An oldie...
MeanAileen Jul 2017
I'm not even sure who I am anymore...
I've become but a shell of myself, before.

And my eyes, once happy, look hollow and cold,
with a empty sadness that can't be consoled.

As loneliness grows, festering inside-
the hurt becomes much harder to hide.
Darkness has taken control of my heart...
quietly and completely, I'm falling apart.
Gathering shards of my broken soul,
I quickly forget what it is to be whole.
Life has lost meaning, but I no longer care.
I'm numb...I'm nothing- just dust in the air.
Yet envy eats at me, day and night
for those who exist without this fight.

Impassive I let all hope fade away,
knowing tomorrow will be just like today.
I am oh so weary from living as I do-
dear lord, let this end, I beg of you...
No matter how I tweak it, this poem never feels finished to me...
MeanAileen May 2017
I don't know why I miss you so much
for you always seemed to make me sad.
Yet I ache to feel the warmth of your touch
and I long for the love we once had.

I miss the taste of your soft, sweet kiss,
and feeling your lips touching mine.
I have never known desire like this,
so raw, so deep, so divine.

I miss your fingers, how they would tease,
and your strong arms, holding me tight.
I miss how you always aimed to please
on those many 'a sleepless night.

I miss how your eyes touched my soul,
how your smile melted my heart.
Without you, dear, I'm half of a whole,
and inside, I'm falling apart.

I miss the smell, so uniquely your own
that is now just a faded memory.
I miss the affection that once was shown,
I miss loving you, loving me.

I miss hearing your voice speak my name,
and the soothing, comfort it brought.
I wonder....sometimes, do you feel the same?
Or am I just a passing thought?

I miss what was my very best friend,
my partner in crime & lover, too.
And although our story has come to an end,
I can't help but still miss you...
Another oldie, but I've always really liked it. Hopefully you did too!
MeanAileen Apr 2017
It is always present
Dormant in my soul
Until it awakens
Seizing all control.
Crushing happiness
Infecting what's pure
Inflicting a pain
I've learned to endure.
Clouding thoughts
Enslaving my brain
Corrupting judgment
Till i feel I'm insane.
Stealing sunshine
Twisting my smile
Killing kindness
Leaving me hostile.
Ripping at my heart
With utmost aggression
It has awakened...
Hello again, depression.
Just another poem stemming from my depressed brain...
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