There's so many drugs out there,
****, Crystal, Coke, ******, Shrooms, Acid . . .
And many more.
I ended up choosing the worst.
Y o u.
There's no rehab for you,
There's no withdrawal from you.
You're an exact drug.
I tell people I'm not thinking about you,
But I am .
I tell people I don't miss you,
But I do .
I tell people I don't need you,
Oh but I do.
You make me feel the best high when I'm around,
Happiness like no other.
You set off dopamine in my brain,
You make it sky rocket.
I'm so addicted.
You're worst than a drug.
You talk, walk, feel, react, think;
You're a person.
And I can't go to my nearest dealer to get you.
You're unobtainable,
And like an addict to me you're irreplaceable.
I wish you were any other drug,
So I could get you quickly and be satisfied.
But you're a person,
I can't have you as I please.
So please don't haunt me anymore,
Because I'm an addict and you're all I need.