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6d · 188
Lim Peh 6d
I stand out in the sun ,
hoping for it to light up my missing deficiencies ,
probably missing vitamin D .
Likely .
Feb 18 · 113
A life well lived
Lim Peh Feb 18
Seeing myself on my deathbed with a smile,
Forgetting cringe
Tearing up

To have a million seconds
11 days more would be cool

To have 31 years worth of seconds well lived
A billionaire who gave my life away
For causes I am called to

I am wealthy today due to the time I own

I create generational wealth
So can you
I create billionaires like you
Sometimes in life we just need a little shift in perspective
Feb 14 · 98
Lim Peh Feb 14
Expression of Man's emotions
With a drooping of the shoulders - discouraged
Accompanied by a smile - bittersweet
Followed by eyes rolling - exasperated
And inhale - life
Feb 13 · 24
Lim Peh Feb 13
Sitting in the lobby of a thirty story building in the city area, Bank, Bytes.

I tap the shift button on my mobile device twice.

Jan 29 · 47
Lim Peh Jan 29
A bag of stickers
I've started sticking them
The back of the phone
A middle of a fan
The side of my computer
The back of my laptop
Why not?

Would I need to save them for a more special occasion?
Or use them on something of higher value?
All tossed away after death
I've started sticking them
Jan 24 · 638
Lim Peh Jan 24
She had me running after her
Across the freeway
It was good cardio
Luckily she drove
Jan 23 · 57
Lim Peh Jan 23
Not by tempest but sea-sickness
Of Ailments of the mind
of minor consequences
with the exception should
you stay frozen in time
which still passes
this too shall
Lim Peh Jan 16
Aren't you tired yet?
You've been running through my mind all day
Jan 13 · 56
Lim Peh Jan 13
Absence breeds nostalgia

Longing to be with you once again

Yet I pull away, or just frozen in place

Learned helplessness without scientists

Merely affection, not love

Not lust as self justification rationalises

Do I really see myself putting her best interests at heart or

The moment I said "or" I put myself in a gotcha situation

It never really was about her

"You're not trying to make me feel guilty, are you?"

I say to the voice shoving guilt ridden anxiety down my gullet to my heart
Jan 12 · 55
Lim Peh Jan 12
While taking a shower
Cupping my face and mouth
The water sputters
It was only 6 seconds
Jan 12 · 190
As within
Lim Peh Jan 12
I write myself a check of a million dollars and live in my mind grand delusions

That's what the self help book told me to do

I help my self

Lim Peh Jan 12
Fated to perish in penniless obscurity
Fated to live a lonely life of solitude
Fated to struggle powerlessly against their circumstances
Fated to be the end their bloodline
Fated to be forgotten
Fated to be undocumented
Fated to be a statistic
A meaningless fate
Lim Peh Jan 12
Laying next to the rectangular singing plate
It's been 30 minutes, I thought it was 3
Still early
I drink my coffee
Nibble on bread
Spray my cologne and feeling fresh
I should have left 30 minutes ago
Lim Peh Jan 11
Laying in bed at 3 in the morn
Pale glow from the lit black mirror
Escaping feelings of stress and disdain
You should have just closed your eyes instead

A new day, always has been
Don't wait for the blue and orange hue
You need rest, silly
Jan 10 · 40
Lim Peh Jan 10
At odds out there,
while inside uneven,
but then again the human body while balanced wasn't built symmetrical by nature
Jan 9 · 63
Lim Peh Jan 9
Child-like, not childish
Jan 9 · 50
End of the Dance
Lim Peh Jan 9
Curtain calls,
You watch them fall.

Whistles and hollering
Rings many sounds,
with your head

In the hall rebounds,
Echoing cheers,
Your act ends here.
Jan 9 · 132
Her wants , my needs
Lim Peh Jan 9
To watch me struggle
Her embrace I lean
Red flags yet we laugh at bulls for charging headfirst into matadors
Oct 2024 · 251
At your Service
Lim Peh Oct 2024
It's scary some times, anxieties plenty yet still
Of which we do what we must
A job? Nay, vocation
A calling
The betterment of men
We are meant more than this
The insistence of consistence
The soul is screaming
Don't forget your true calling
To be aware of the difference from I
Their childlike wonder, empathy, healer, believer, the love of God and fellow men, you care you care you care you care
you care you care
you care
You Care.
And aware,
Harmony and beauty you bring, a flame to light the way with your presence,
share your spark and the warmth.
"How about we try some needs gap analysis?
Let's try to envisaging where we will be 5 years from now..."
Shut up and go back to the work, dummy
Done with the tragic roleplay?
Mar 2022 · 328
нет войне
Lim Peh Mar 2022
putin and the kremlin
Warmonger gremlins!
No to war
Lim Peh Feb 2022
Dye my life
Show me dreams
Expand imagination
Hopes and aspirations
Concentration of will
Ready and focused
Conscious is clear
All for who
Not myself
Feb 2022 · 441
Lim Peh Feb 2022
At the end of the day,
nothing's here to stay.

You can either lose it all,
give up or
give it all away.
May 2020 · 168
Lim Peh May 2020
Everyone has solutions for queries and problems,
but it's different from being the answer.

The one who you turn to, when all else seems wrong, the one you can count on, against all the odds.

Don't look to me though, look how there's basically no more flow for the rest of this piece. I don't even know what title to give this.
Mar 2020 · 364
Lim Peh Mar 2020
One must imagine Sisyphus ripped.
Shoulders like Boulders.
Quads like God's.
He was literally doing Olympian training!
I'm so happy with myself for thinking about that triple pun.
Feb 2020 · 152
Lim Peh Feb 2020
Called into this world to serve
Not be served
Stop holding back
I am decided
So plan the action
Make it happen
Before those chains
They drag you back
Feb 2020 · 131
Lim Peh Feb 2020
With it

It's overrated

Dear my lady

You can't be bothered

To wait for another

Feb 2020 · 160
Lim Peh Feb 2020
"we are nothing" she despaired

He chuckled, "What else is new?"
You're new to nihilism, aren't you? Just smile.
Lim Peh Dec 2019
How do I even reply
When most times I feel like
Blowing out the lights
Go crawl in a hole
I struggle to smile
But I kept telling myself
One day at a time
I'm going to make it someday
But why haven't I made the most of time
The days pass by
I waste away
Going beyond myself
"How do I reply someone who is happy for me"
"Thanks bro, what's up with you? :)"
Dec 2019 · 149
Lim Peh Dec 2019
Brother and Sister
Can you hear me

Brother and Sister
I like you very much

Brother and Sister
It was my birthday yesterday and I celebrated my birthday

Brother and Sister
I will come to see you again because I miss you
Divorced parents
Nov 2019 · 152
Lim Peh Nov 2019
Like every other
Has never started
Breathless exhausted
Faster than ever
Beats of the heart
What makes it worthwhile
When all is just talk
No time for anything
Complaints abound
Still it's not your fault
When will you stop
Nov 2019 · 117
Lim Peh Nov 2019
How badly do I want to be
What for sure, I know I can
Not could have been, If it's yet to be
Please don't give up the chance
I swear it's not just happenstance
Hour by hour, day by day
You're getting better along the way

For what?
And I am silent.
Apr 2019 · 171
Lim Peh Apr 2019
Always beginning,
But I never finish it.
At least I still tried.
Untitled. It took me a month to publish it.
Feb 2019 · 196
Lim Peh Feb 2019
Upon the realisation
of what we are not,
we already are.
Quantum Physics, Philosophy, stuff is interesting I guess.
Dec 2018 · 234
Lim Peh Dec 2018
Don't just listen,
try to hear.
Within the mirror,
The eyes are clear.

No buts, maybes, ifs or whys.
Doesn't matter how hard you try.
When there is no point,
of which you can reference.
To which solidly you have already defined.

"What?" is the question to ask,
For identity of that which brings you sleepless nights,
and anxious days, and hurried breathing, your heart is beating, the hands are shaking, the mind is begging, for the moments of which finally you stop.

For it is seperate, after all.
It identifies as I, me, and my.
Oblivious to that which is deep inside,
The primal emotions, of wanting to thrive.

What is happening?
The pouring of soul, from deep within, the rivers will flow.
But guard your self, from the depths of unconsciousness.
And cherish the precious moments of thinking alone.
The point when you face what you've always feared, you will be glad and you will cheer.

When you finally see it for what it is,
Fear of the Unknown.
Sep 2018 · 349
Lim Peh Sep 2018
"They make a dollar.
While I make a dime.
That's why I always ****,
On company time."

Why do you waste your life
Making dimes and quarters
When you can spend your mind and time
To go make some dollars
Lim Peh Sep 2018
But deep down, I already know that I don't apply myself enough. The actions I prioritize and choose to make of my own volition are not in alignment what I think is ideal for me.

Choosing to play a victim battling against his demons, with countless ups and downs. The story never hitting the ******, in fear and anxiety of what unknown variables comes after.

As I know to be true whenever I am down, I will go up. But when I am up, I do not take the actions to progress upwards even further because I don't want to increase the expectations of myself. So I am happy with these hollow meaningless victories against the "torments" of my mind.
It is not poem. It is prose. Yeah I guess.
Sep 2018 · 177
Lim Peh Sep 2018
Somehow I get a feel of what Da Vinci means by "The sadness will last forever."

The good thing is, I won't.
Sep 2018 · 273
Lim Peh Sep 2018
it will all be over in an instant.
Firers watch your front.
just put it in.
Magazine of 4 rounds loaded.
lift it upwards is all you have to do.
Hold your breath and fire when you see the lights.
point it up and pull the trigger.
Gently squeeze the trigger, don't snap your finger.
- - - -
All rounds expended.
Good job, 4 targets.
army days
Aug 2018 · 1.5k
A better person.
Lim Peh Aug 2018
They're saying starve the ego.
They're saying feed the soul.
But for some reason nobody's mentioned,
they are two sides of the same whole.
Jun 2018 · 3.3k
Lim Peh Jun 2018
With regards to the phrase,
"I'd rather cry in a ferrari than on a bicycle."
Seldom do people ask why they cry to begin.
And it's saddening.
Jan 2018 · 398
Fear of Reflections
Lim Peh Jan 2018
I'm afraid of reflecting on myself.

The pressure of expectations of the selves over the years leaves a bitter emotion.
I want to stop writing.
I feel cold.
The fingers want to retract into balled fists.
The instinct is to curl into fetal position.
The voice lets out a primal moan of agony, of what the self has been through yet knows it hasn't gone through utter despair so the moan fades into a whimper.
The eyes want to close, the eyelids squint, the eyebrows scrunches, the forehead raised.
Irregular breathing.
The back of the hand smashes into the wall behind him.
The fingers loosen.
Silent screaming.
The soul cries out.


I need a glass of water.
Jan 2018 · 185
To err is Human
Lim Peh Jan 2018
To make mistakes, Unknowingly

Commonly, it happens all the time

Errors are but functions, the byproduct of a cognitive working mind

To ponder all infinite possibilities

Of past experiences to build the best outcome for the future

Despite our power, we underestimate ourselves all the time
Dec 2017 · 191
Some People
Lim Peh Dec 2017
Some people laugh
Some people sing
Some people think of infinity and things.
And if there's anything out there that I want to be
Is someone who won't end themselves way too early

Some people sigh
Some people cry
Others just ponder bout the time that goes by
In the blink of an eye and what could have been
While hoping they never ever wake from their dreams

Some people wonder
Some people dream
Others contemplate alternative timelines
And if there's anything out there that I want to be
Is someone who loves their selves wholly, absolutely
Dec 2017 · 294
Lim Peh Dec 2017
Me Myself and I.
I, My, Me.
They say we are the average of the five people around us.
Yet three of them are We.
But why do I still put others before I put Me?

— The End —