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 Jul 2015 LIAN LAO
Emily Adams
You were never the *******
you say you were.
You were just lost.
You are still lost,
but the difference is
now you have someone
to be lost with.

Now that we have found each other
in the inifinte universe,
let's chase our dreams
until we catch them
and never be found.
 Jul 2015 LIAN LAO
raine cooper
i've never let go of your hand, even when you don't have the strength to hold mine
 Jul 2015 LIAN LAO
How beautiful it is to be silent
when someone expects your anger
And how beautiful it is to smile
when someone expects you to shed tears.
 Jul 2015 LIAN LAO
Storm Raven
Something is wrong with me,

I don't know what,

but I am different,

I feel different,

I don't feel like I fit in,

There is no place for me,

not in this society,

I am sorry,

but I am not -can not- be,

who you want me to be,

I am different,

Something is wrong with me,

I don't know what,

But something isn't right,

I am sorry,

I am not who I should be,

sorry that I don't fit in,

I can't help that something is wrong with me
 Jul 2015 LIAN LAO
just friends
 Jul 2015 LIAN LAO
we're just friends
but from the start
i always knew
you had my heart
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