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 Jul 2017 Latri
*******... remember when you loved me like that?
 Jun 2017 Latri
my mother
 Jun 2017 Latri
at age 10,
my mother pointed
At the small birth mark
On my left knee and said,
"Someone's going to love
You for that one day."

At age 16,
I told her that a boy,
One far away,
Told me I was unloveable.
"He couldn't be more wrong,"
She promised.

At age 19,
She picked up my prescription,
And cried,
"I don't want you
To get your heart broken,
Mary." She sobbed.

The empty encouragements mean nothing,
When a daughter has decided
That the need to be tragically beautiful,
Is more important than the need
To be exceptionally loved.
i wrote this in 5 minutes I know it's stupid enjoy
 Jun 2017 Latri
Food stamps
 Jun 2017 Latri
It's been drilled in every poor man's head,
by a man only slightly less poor
"money cannot buy happiness."
But I disagree!
If you say that,
You have not watched your father scream at God at 7 in the morning,
questioning His existence,
as we get kicked out of
the second house that year.

I no longer find excitement
in new places.

You've never waited for the first of the month.
Every month.
In order to eat something other than spaghetti
and dollar store hot dogs.

You've never had your power shut off for an entire month
And watch as your family rips apart,
boiling water on the stove just to bathe.

Your parents owe everyone money.

You've never worked in order to buy your cleats, yearbooks, and school supplies.
Only to have your parents take that money, too.

You can send your vibes,
and tell me to think positive.
But the world is distorted!
Our lives are only better now because my family got jobs.

I watched a bulldozer
go through the house I grew up in,
as the bank sold our home
and built an auto-parts store over dirt
I used to ride my bike on.
The last pieces of my grandmother, crumbled.
My father stayed up every night
and slept through every holiday and birthday, since.

Is that happiness?
 Jun 2017 Latri
The scales of a dragon, the petals of a rose.
The thorns and the claws,
the breathtaking ability,
the danger in the beauty.
As polar opposite as day and night, a myth and the biased example of reality;
Though both live in harmony.
The petals of a rose often thought of as soft and frail,
but the stem as sharp and pointed as a dragon's scale.
The dragon's scale, as perilous and shielding, but just gorgeous and glorious as the rose.
As polar opposite as day and night,
a myth and the biased example of reality.
Without reality, there would be no myth,
nothing to even comprehend the “what ifs” in life.
Without darkness, there would be no night.
You see my dear,
you, you are as beautiful and delicate as a rose.
But you can breathe fire,
and show this darkened place light, and life.
You are the reality, in a world of myth.
 Jun 2017 Latri
Keith Moody
Roses are red,
violets are NOT blue.
Who ever said they were is lying to you,
okay, maybe one can argue violets have a blue-ish hue,
but they are not all the way blue.
So stop saying violets are blue because that's not true.
Here's how it should go, so no more people are confused.

Roses are red,
Violets are purple.
[ Insert something romantic here ] Circle.
 Jun 2017 Latri
long nights.
 Jun 2017 Latri
go on
(c) Brooke Otto 2017
as the man slowly took the roll from his lips, letting the smoke drift into the lights. still his breath produced puffs as it touched the night air. he watched the cold mix with the warmth of the smoke, dissipating and dancing itn the sharp, chilling wind. to the stars his eyes did carry to the yellow sky above, the hot stump between his fingers began to burn now on his skin. 'til he smelt the putrid smell coming from his numbed hand below. and with that smell and the city lights and the smoke that rose above he realized something he never before had from the loud streets and yelling cabs. that the world wasn't all that beautiful, he thought with tearful eyes, the pretty was wearing off, and the sky above that he used to love was absent of all stars
 Jun 2017 Latri
Summer Edmonds
The day I met you
I think I thought that I could die right there on the spot,
as long as I could shed my skin and
come back as a gentle breeze
on the back of your neck.
I wrote this upon meeting my husband for the first time on December 6, 2006.
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