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Pulling strength
From my pain
Can lead my
Soul to gain
Making me
In the end
Of the time
In this world
I will see
The love in
Our Heavenly Fathers
Each day
Until then
He will give me
The courage
To endure
The pain within
His Power
I will pray
You are fallen darkness,
the ghost ship
in the wake of a quarter-moon

Your depth
is like a blue grave
looking back
from a burial at sea

Your hands are shadows
over a campfire
lustering against the lightless
river, palms folding
like prayers over
the embering heat
of driftwood and deadfall
retreating into ash

You are heaven's shoal
of dead stars, the obsidian
lip of the shoreline
I approach without light

The shallow groundswell
of sand un-printing my tracks,
as if to refuse my sunless steps

You are streetlights left behind me
back home, softening now
beyond their dead-end streets.
next to a pine back nestled close
alone in the wild of the forest
feeling the straw and cones as my pillow
I hear the songs of my forefathers
haunting in the whistles of the limbs
the breeze
a calming song close to being a prayerful
hymn on the wind singing me off to a rest a
sleep a long nap a day's end a peace
and that rhythm
that winds through the needles on a course almost
a siren's breath
that sings beautiful
hymns a song on
a withered bark
a cry from
the forest's floor a
harmony I've known before
breathless i went
a warrior
Some people search for a higher truth,
their lofty beliefs keeping them aloof.
They look past death to find out what?
Are they not content with what they've got?

Maybe they fear there is nothing beyond,
after the natural span they have donned.
Maybe they crave an extension on high,
but we are mortal, and mortals can only die.

So worry not about what comes after,
just enjoy life with love and laughter.
And as for the workings of eternity -
well – you'll just have to wait and see!

© Pagan Paul (18/02/17)
I gave as the silver regal plate passed by me a nine
nine pieces of eight and a piece of hate
drank the wine ate the mundane chip chewed
swallowed waited thought thanked prayed
eschewed rallied on brought faith forward as far
as genius made magi out of a can of
broken twigs frogs legs a bat wing
a man in a black suit white-necked hate him he
that white I see today I focused
on it that square white bright hope I prayed to as
the church disgraced me the laws beseeched and the regalia the royal riches paid but
he went on that black man the white neck the touching in salient the remedy for my sanity was
hate distrust a blank slate
so   toiling on through the loneliness
amidst the day going forth sun ups
sunsets a day in all still the world
and it is magical and morose
real and make-believe

so like the days to tease one with a bright sun
and the darkest shadows all
at once nowhere to find a balance
in the  black of all the glare
spinning dizzy in between the
grass shoots petunias glow

tell me what I'll tell you a fool I am
a worshipper a sinner too
I make believe and curse
away the day
the way a folly soul
does on his journey

I don't know land from sea anymore
or truth or reality its all become blurry here
here  in the gray grey has been life I sink into
Missing you
At the end of a day
in the space of a moment
in the breath of allay
in the wings of an angel
the space of a bar
from the heavens

my heart from afar

Time is not flying
the evening hours are so slow, inching by
and spent tossing and turning
my restless mind roams dark avenues
my restless feet roam the bed,
left...right...then back, over and over.
the bed, that was my longer sways
a promise of peaceful slumber, flies away,
new and strange images
start to trail me...they're heavy tassels,
tagging on the  hemlines of my mind,
seeking to be known
this late hour, i recall
a forked road, not far from a winding road,
from afar, a child admires a white castle
high as the clouds, its windows, foggy,
its high fence, mossy...on its front lawn
is a treehouse, perched...resting like a bird
inside a very old tree, leaning to its left side,
with a long set of steps...all painted white.
just below the white steps are gathered,
doyens of poetry...seated in their own chosen
corners...tacit, yet, empowered by their brilliant minds
the tips of their feathered pens, smoothly sliding on
paper......strange, that they're waving at me,
why, they could be dead!
i must be muse is showing
me paths, i would think twice of treading
a quartered moon selfishly glows
unsettles even more, my murky thoughts... pressing thumb is on my journals
i must heed.........the need.
"o' my elusive unknown poem,
kindly show me...lead me to your home
let my pen give light to your dim path
give second wind to my weary mind and heart,
deny, even a bit of a space......for wrath,

help me, push efforts musn't cease
show me your face...we'll both have peace."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
April 21, 2018
...started with a dream.....then scribbled...and scribbled...
I don't know if there is any sense in all these...pardon me, guys...
I saw
the other side
of nature
A sparrow hawk
swooped down
took out
a pigeon
ate it all up
There were feathers
That was the cruel side
of nature
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