We watch consumed,
by how he swooned
and soothed, the world around them,
making everything happen.
A knight in shining armour,
the first one to see her.
Even in a slow burn
we know he will return.
So I sink into my seat,
waiting for it all to repeat.
But then it's over.
When they only just got together.
I wanted to see more.
The lifetime they swore,
with every mundane moment
and hint of enjoyment.
I don't want to realise
that it was all just romanticised,
and in actuality,
they were never meant to be.
The meet cute,
a perfectly scripted route.
The first date
that changed his heart rate,
in a destined fate,
that finally lifted the weight
off his shoulders,
now that he can hold hers.
All spontaneity,
a Hollywood reality.
Carefully constructed,
harmoniously corrupted.
In the business
of making a buck off the Mrs.
Forever exploiting,
the love that they're taunting.
The hopeless romantic
made cinematic,
Love turned perfect,
for the sake of a profit.
Breakups and heart ache,
every little mistake
changing their minds,
unsure if they'll find
the one.
But the film has begun,
and we can see, just how clearly
that they are meant to be.
From the first kiss
that was pure bliss.
And coffee shop barista,
who finally slipped a
note on his cup,
to use that stupid pick up
he's been rehearsing,
when he thinks nobody is watching.
The time he turned a blind
when she wrote a note for him to find,
left on the work-top,
and reading it made time stop.
When she searched through the crowd,
but it was all too loud,
and he was nowhere to be found,
until his arms wrapped around,
her waist from behind,
and all the stars aligned.
We watch consumed,
by how he swooned
and soothed, the world around them,
making everything happen.
A knight in shining armour,
the first one to see her.
So now, somehow without ever having it I miss,
everything the romcoms promise.