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LJ Chaplin May 2014
I'll write these words in the form of  memories,
It seems like the best thing to do,
So you can move on instead of me,
Because it looks like I'm the fool

I'll sing these words like a melody,
Like rhythm and blues,
So you can play them every day,
I don't mind being the muse

I'll tear these words down like concrete blocks,
To make room for more,
Memories that grow like forget-me-nots,
Outside of your door.
LJ Chaplin May 2014
Tell her that you love her when you go,
Put it in the papers so that everybody knows,
Pretty she will feel when she's on your arm,
Calm her nerves when she's alone,
And keep her safe from harm,

Don't you think she's such a keeper?
You should keep her,
Angelie you know he cares so open the door,
Don't you see she's scared to believe you?
Oh you need to,
Angelie he wants you back so don't cry any more

Verse Two
Angelie don't shut him out again,
Listen to his reasoning, he wants to be your friend,
Those photographs you left to burn in flames,
Is past the point of no return, it'll never be the same,

Don't you think she's such a keeper?
You should keep her,
Angelie you know he cares so open the door,
Don't you see she's scared to believe you?
Oh you need to,
Angelie he wants you back so don't cry any more

I wish you could stay strong,
I wish that you were wrong,
I wish that she could see,
That she meant everything to me,

Don't you think she's such a keeper?
You should keep her,
Angelie you know he cares so open the door,
Don't you see she's scared to believe you?
Oh you need to,
Angelie he wants you back so don't cry any more

And after she moved on,
He knew that she was gone,
He wanted to propose,
A ring that's made of rose gold,
Angelie you never gave the chance to say goodbye,
Another hopeless romance left to die
LJ Chaplin May 2014
Time passes by,
The metallic fusion of
cogs and wheels
grinding against one another
to keep it going like a boat
Down a river,
the incessant clicking of hands
skipping over each minute,
each second,
each precious moment of life
that we take for granted
And drives us to insanity
in the dead of night.
LJ Chaplin May 2014
Thud thud,
like the beat of a battle drum,
Hallowed cries of victory
Within the capillaries
of your body,
A faint pulsation of adrenaline,
Fresh from the free fall of another
Spiralling of self control,
Beneath layers of fair, smooth skin
lies the undulating tide of blood
and oxygen,
Cascading down narrow slivers
of your veins.
each shuddered breath
is another catalyst of
Another slam on the accelerator
that surges you further down
the fast lane,
Those faint pulses of yours
Never cease to amaze me.
LJ Chaplin Apr 2014
The cold side of the bed seems so far away,
Wrapped in the sheets are the sounds of breathing,
Pieces of you and I still smoulder in the ashtray,
Tobacco kisses and shots of *** in the evening.
Exorcisms couldn't even lift the haunting presence
Of a heavy heart which carries the weight of worlds.
Short and sweet. Struggling for inspiration recently.
LJ Chaplin Apr 2014
Another drunken phone call at two AM,
Moonlight filters through the window
As I sob beneath the sheets,
A ghost of a boy,
A shell of a human,
Where there once was love,
There is only me,
A loneliness that's haunting,
Slowly I rise from the bed
Like an exorcism taking place,
The floorboards creak and groan,
The splintered cries of a heavy burden,
A heavy heart

You are somewhere I cannot fathom,
***** dripping from your lips
Like the tears rolling down your
Mascara stained cheeks.

The loneliness follows me around,
Down the stairs,
Into the front porch,
Out into the night.
It can take your place
If you let it be so,
And while I run beneath the street lights,
The transparent arms of loneliness hugging me
And dragging behind me,
I search frantically to find a place to clear my head,
To drown out the drunken slur of your voice,
The violent sobs and cursing that crackled
From the other end of the phone.

The loneliness listens to me when you're not there.
It comforts me when you are nowhere to be seen.
© L.J. Chaplin
LJ Chaplin Mar 2014
Can you hear the church bells ring?
Hollow footsteps that cascade through
The empty pews and end inside
The confessional stand,
Stained glass windows refract rays of sunlight
And projects a radiant glow upon a thousand
Prayers that are intertwined with the aroma
Of polished wood and frail pages of the bible,
The Lord works in mysterious ways
I tell myself as I trace my steps down the alter
Where you left me.
I feel the phantom shadow of his embrace
Trail behind me,
Never losing sight,
Never letting go,
And yet I still fall to my knees
And pray for mercy,
I have not sinned,
Nor have I failed to ignore
My calling,

But even the most loyal of angels
Must have their wings clipped
*And their innocence stripped clean.
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