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Hey mom, hey dad.
Why are we still yelling?
We need to get out of this broken home.
Please don't let me back out into the cold!
Hey mom, hey dad.
Please stop this!
I'm stuck watching these walls fall down.
I'm here alone in this broken home.
When will this end!
I'm done.
Hey mom, hey dad.
When did you lose your happiness?
When did this home become broken!?
Please let it all go!
I want to help, but I'm stuck in between.
Who cares who's fault it is!
I'm still stuck in this broken home.
For S and M.
 Dec 2015 The Broken Poet
I feel
forbidden to live properly.

I feel
like a waste of oxygen consumption.

I feel
shackled to my insecurities.

I feel
as if I no longer want to feel at all.

I will write a story
and tell how wonderful this world is–
the story starts with you.
 Dec 2015 The Broken Poet
I dream of you every moment of every day.
I think of you when I look in the mirror and I think of your arms around my waist.
I miss you with every breath I draw and I miss us with every breath that leaves my body.
I remember your smooth voice the second I wake up and its the last thing I hear when I fall asleep.
You are all I can think about.
The perfect drug within the perfect woman.
 Nov 2015 The Broken Poet
they tell her to let her imagination fly
but they don't know how much her hands shake
when she thinks of his smile.
the sun always sets
but the sound of his laughter
ringing inside her mind won't.
she wants to make a home in the stars
that twinkle in the galaxy of his irises,
but she knows better than to find comfort
in someone else's body,
especially a body that she has never
had the chance to hold.
they tell her to let her imagination fly
so she keeps thinking that she will someday
make a bed inside his collarbones
and that she will spend her mornings
watching him trace the outlines of her hips
with his fingertips like she used to do
with the strings of the violin
she used to play as a child,
but no one ever told her
that you can't make homes out of human beings.
she tries to imagine a world
where the distance between them is shortened,
where she doesn't have to look at the moon
and pretend that he is looking at the same one
even though he's probably asleep
and dreaming about someone else's eyes.
they tell her to let her imagination fly
and she wants to let it skyrocket
past the ozone and land next to where he is,
on the other side of the solar system.
they tell her to let her imagination fly
and she does, but not because she wants to.
she has to make up all the words herself,
the way he smells and the way he tastes
and the way he sounds in the air.
she knows that everyone needs a place
and that it shouldn't be inside of someone else,
but imagining a world with him
is better than imagining a world where there is no love
and where everything goes wrong.
which is to say, imagining a world with him
is better than imagining a world without him.
Maybe we'll meet again when we're slightly older ..
When our minds less frazzled.
Our emotions in check,
And our ways less ambiguous.

Maybe we'll meet again when we're slightly older ..
When I'll be right for you and you'll be right for me,
And our love isn't one of a ticking time bomb where we're constantly looking for an escape pod.

Maybe we'll meet again when we're slightly older
When I a not chaos to your thoughts and you are not poison to my heart.

Maybe we'll meet again when we're slightly older.
Everything we ever wanted but we were better off without each other.
 Nov 2015 The Broken Poet
Rat a tat tat
The sound of a war

The Politician swings
On marionette strings

As we chant
Destroy a nation
Follow blindly and do as you are told

To question this is Heresy
Eternal Hell and Damnation.

Line the pockets of the corporate *****.
Babylons got a new King.

Nameless kids on the front lines.
Being blown to smithereens.

Johnnys come home in a black bag
The same thing happened to dad.

Mom and Julie alone now , two  mouths less to feed
 Nov 2015 The Broken Poet
Don't you think I want to be happy?
Don't you think I want to be like you?
Don't you think I want to smile and not hurt?
Don't you think I want to not cry?
Don't you think I want to be happy too?
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