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I'm happier than I have ever been
Thank you for being why
You give me ten reasons to smile
For every one I have to cry
Yet another lovey dovey text message sent to my boyfriend while we are apart. I never get tired of writing these, they feel effortless. I'm not worried about the quality I'm just writing for the meaning behind the words.
 Jun 2017 Just Rachel
this is what we were created for

to love

and be loved

my dear child

calls love

be not afraid.
 Jun 2017 Just Rachel
there will always be those more attractive
and those of greater intelligence

but show me a truly humble person
and I will show you attractiveness and a higher intelligence.
w e
...the paths
of life,  comes
a time when roads
t u r n   to  z i g z a g s
sometimes beaten, painful
to walk on...and the blue sky
darkens to gray...and the clouds
hide from us, and the sun sets, and
we need arrows and rays to guide  us
t h r o u g h:::::
From nowhere
.........any hour
y o u    appear
b r i g h t     as
morning  s u n
your   BEAMS
you are a light
that guides us
.....through the
[[[ D A R K ]]].

...For Timothy...

Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
...found this older poem...from three years ago...written for Timothy...
...I repost...for Timothy...
 Jun 2017 Just Rachel
I have written love songs to the Moon
(hoping they would reach their destination)

no reply was forthcoming, not how I imagined,
only silence

but in this silence I found succour
in this silence I know love

love comes in a mysterious way
touches you places nothing else can.
 Apr 2017 Just Rachel
everything bows at the threshold of love
nothing has power over her
only the compassion of herself moves her, and moves her to love.
 Apr 2017 Just Rachel
love cannot deny itself
loves whole is in love
loves defining is love
love cannot be anything else.
 Apr 2017 Just Rachel
Summer days are exquisite
long drawn out bliss
all holidays rolled into one
24hrs around the Sun.
Night here hardly falls
banished for a season
the black of space short lived.
Summer days are for the child
set loose once again
to play, to bask,
to lounge around the fire in the sky.
 Jan 2017 Just Rachel
Denying walls of imagination
- all and any consolation
holy thought or feeling.
Coming face to face with God
in the starkness of The Cloud Of Unknowing
taking advise from The Desert Fathers
Contemplation where all are ultimately called.
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