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Jude Quinn Apr 2022
Broken glasses on the floor
And people sleeping on your rug.
It never ceases to amaze you
That these sort of things happen to you.

It seemed like you
Lived most of your life,
Testing the idea
That friends can be **** too.

But, somehow, there are always people
Offering to buy you cigarettes,
And that scares you
In ways you can't properly express.

You watch the rain fall
From the garden door,
Because going to bed
Means being alone with your thoughts
And you can't imagine
A worse place to be.

You say you'll try to be more "normal",
But you don't know what that means anymore.

They told you
That the pills would help,
But that the rest was on you;
You've always felt that the only thing between yourself
And the rest of the world is you.

I miss
Not knowing these things
And hurting myself in the most stupid ways.
I miss not being afraid
Of losing people.

What does that mean?
What if I'm a monster?
What if I don't deserve half of what I have?
What if you found out I think these things?
Jude Quinn Apr 2022
I can feel some flowers
slowly growing in my heart.
I hope they bloom
before winter comes.

The world can be such a terrifying place.
It always seems the prettiest things
are the first to disappear.

I've heard the saddest songs
that the human soul can compose.
But I've also listened to the most beautiful.

Even if the sour notes
lasted longer than the bright ones;
even if time is only measured
by the small windows
in which we can stop crying and look at the sky,

I'd never stop watering my flowers.

Because they are mine,
Because they are all my heart
and because even if life takes everything away from us,

we'll always have flowers.
Jude Quinn Apr 2022
If I smile at you,
Please never think it's because no one smiled at me.
If I hold you,
Please don't wonder if anyone held me.
If I offer you my hand,
Please don't question if it's because I've been on the floor too.

Is not
And should not be based
On past experiences.

I've gone through pain,
That's true,
Perhaps more,
Perhaps less than you.
But that's not what informs my heart.

We seem to believe pain and experience are synonyms, they are not.

If I smile at  you,
It's because I wish to smile at you,
If I hold you is because I wish to hold you,
If I offer you my hand
It's because I know you don't want to be on the floor.

If I feel for you,
It's because you exist.

I can't run a mile in your shoes,
But that shouldn't mean
I can't tell you have a heart.
It's been a while <3
Jude Quinn Mar 2021
I'll write a poem and leave it on your door
so you have something to smile about.
I'l take my loaf of bread and cut it in half
so you have something to eat.
I'll give you a sip of my coffee
so you can greet the morning sun.

No one should be alone in the dark.

I'll give you my sneakers
if you give me yours
so you can show me your side of the story
and I can show you mine.

I know life can be pretty rough.
Angels use their wings
to cover each other from the rain.
I have a hoodie,
I hope that's enough.

Buddha told me to tell you:
"Hello, bonito.
This spring is going to have cielos azules."
I have a couple dollars in my pocket.

Let me buy you a Coca-Cola.
Share it with someone you love.
Who knows, maybe they need it more than you.
I'm just thankful we got to talk.
Jude Quinn Feb 2021
You have done some things you are not proud of.
What'd happen If I told them?
What'd happen if they knew?
You were young, you were angry,
you were horrible, you were everything you hate now.

You hurted so many people
and disappeared.
Why did you do it?
Why would you take your pain
and put it on someone else?

It was not her fault she didn't love you.
It wasn't his fault. He couldn't know.

Yes, you were a mess,
but that's no excuse.
No, you can't change the past.
I don't even know If "I'm sorry" would be enough.

You couldn't love
cause you didn't know how to love yourself.
You thought hate
was your only weapon against the world.

Will she accept your apologies
or will she act is if she doesn't know you
the way that you did?

Will he forgive you
or forget
just like you?

You were full of poison and you killed many flowers
on your way here.
What are we gonna do, Jude?

I'll light a candle for us
and I'll try to be a better man.
It's all I can do
that'll bring a change.
Jude Quinn Jul 2020
Sometimes, I'm just tired.
It's not very much fun, but I do.
Sometimes I'm just sad.
It's not very much fun, but I do.
Sometimes I'm angry and hurt.
It is what it is.

Once or twice I thought about the end.
The moment when all troubles go away.
It's a scary thought to have
when you are all by yourself.

What do you do
when you feel you can't move?

It can be so heartbreaking to feel you've given your all,
yet your all is not enough.

But I am still here;
though sometimes I cry,
I think there's nothing more wonderful than life.

Cause you are here,
you, in your perfect way,
you, who have cried as much as me
yet smile the same wether there's sun or there's rain.

You give me hope,
that peace of mind
is a thought away.
Haven't been around here in a while. I hope all of you are alright <3
Jude Quinn May 2020
Don't cry
We are angels waiting to fly.
Our wings will grow one day.
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