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 Sep 2015 Jude Jaden
 Sep 2015 Jude Jaden
Your heart.
         and bruised,
                                but still beating.

What's more beautiful then that?
 Sep 2015 Jude Jaden
If I stay,
You'll fly away
If I go,
You'll never know.
If you blame the imperfect aspects
of your life on someone else,
change will not follow.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
How can we change something about our life if what we wish to change we blame on something out of our control?
The day a man quits
on his path to the top

Is the day he dies.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
"The top" can mean many things. Remember "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." The man dies when he loses his "why" factor.
It's now or never
Time latches hearts together

Every lapse of love a man dies
Deep inside these men is a devil in disguise
Love is our fire within
How we breath
How we think
How we live
The heart is where the man begins

It's now or never
Time latches hearts together

So will you be my love forever?*

*-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
Out of water she—
Rose, soaked dress, body blinding
Eyes looking away
An Undine is a water nymph or water spirit, the elemental of water. They are usually found in forest pools and waterfalls. They have beautiful voices, which are sometimes heard over the sound of water. According to some legends, Undines cannot get a soul unless they marry a man and bear him a child. This aspect has led them to be a popular motif in romantic and tragic literature.
In 18th-century Scotland, Undines were also referred to as the wraiths of water. Even then, they were not feared as other wraiths such as the kelpie.
I’ll never forget
the magic and elegance
I worshipped in you.
 Sep 2015 Jude Jaden
 Sep 2015 Jude Jaden
Hey! You took something,
It's my heart that keeps beating,
Handle it with care.
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