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 Jan 2017 Joshua Dougan
I want to drink deep of the poison of lust
The human disease and desire to do what we must
Still I am startled at how sick I can be
How much my soul aches and burns to be pleased
Even though some say it is sinful to want it so much
To linger and long for a soft and sensual touch
I find myself lacking the strength to resist
These carnal urges that seem to persist
One look at her smile and I am ashamed to say
I can’t help but think of her in a naughty way
But under all of these fleshy concerns
There is a deeper hunger that constantly burns
It gnaws at my stomach like acid reflex
And is far more subtle then a need for ***
To hold and be held to comfort and be comforted
To speak and be heard even when I am weak or perturbed
And be allowed to do the same for her as well
Todos os sonhos
Vão ser enterrados
Enterrados com você
Então mova-se!
É o fim ou o início?
É o meio ou o nada?
Você está aqui ou está morto?

Quanto mais rápido, mais devagar
Vai tragar você,
Parar seu avanço
Vai agarrar você,
Te segurar

Todos os sonhos
Eles vão perecer
Não mova-se!
Fique aqui
Morra sonhando com seus sonhos
Morra imaginando o que você queria ser
Morra! sem saber como é ser
O que você quer ser

Então mova-se!
Não pare,
Não fique parado
Nunca pare de se mover
Porque quando você parar
Você vai estar morto
E todos os seus sonhos também.

(Mova seus sonhos)
 Jan 2017 Joshua Dougan
T’was nary a friend for whom I’d suspend
Or make such amends
Then my sweet Annabel lee
Though it doth break my heart
To end as we start
My angel apart
My sweet Annabel Lee
No words can ever say
How I felt on that day
Such a dark terrible pain
As I reached out in vain
For my sweet Annabel Lee
I lay her to rest
In her silken Sunday best
As I try to express
While my mood is depressed
How I feel for my love
That I’m still dreaming of
My sweet Annabelle Lee
And though I may write
Of the raven that night
How his words were to haunt me
Like a specter I can’t see
So I whispered once more
Of my dear child Lenore
My heart does escape
To the sea where she waits
My sweet Annabel Lee
As it was in the end
So shall it pass once again
I will find loves embrace
In a strange and new place
But she will never replace
My sweet Annabel Lee
If my vision be true
Then when my soul doth come due
I will finaly find peace
And rest well at ease
In the Arms of the girl
I loved most in the world
My sweet Annabel Lee
We will rest on the shore
To part never more
In the house by the see
Will remain her and me
My sweet Annabel Lee
 Jan 2017 Joshua Dougan
Zero Nine
And this Winter, unlike the past deaths through my life,
may offer motion toward a place from here
With my heart broke, as he departs in the night,
carried memories let in tears still travel hard
May my motion, then be truly swift to mirror his,
to futures on the East horizon
 Jan 2017 Joshua Dougan
Ami Shae
Not only am I drowning
but so many are going down
along with me--
our hopes, our dreams, our ideals
are being swept out to sea
the man who claims victory
is more than just a man
he embodies evil and greed
like no other in this land--
he cares nothing for AMERICA
unless it brings profit his way
and he will stop at nothing
to rule forever and a day...

So don't bother to save me
as I am falling beneath the sea,
I cannot tread water
for he is determined to drown me
and so many others
who only want what's best
for our beloved U.S.A.
and oh my god
this test
is far too much
and I kneel down and pray
and ask the gods above
to watch over the entire globe
for beware, I see it coming
this man in charge
has not much of a frontal lobe
and we are doomed
not just as a united country
but as a human kind
for we've elected an official
who has literally lost his mind...
I feel such despair and fear. I hope I am wrong. :(   :(   :(
Are you happy
Does the thought of me ever cross your mind
At 3 a.m.
When you can't sleep    
I can never sleep now  
How does one sleep without their heart
My thoughts linger on you
The way my fingers ran through your hair
The shallow rising of your chest as you sleep
In my arms
The warm heat of love radiating from your body
Are you happy
I'm not
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