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To her derided Home
A **** of Summer came—
She did not know her station low
Nor Ignominy’s Name—
Bestowed a summer long
Upon a fameless flower—
Then swept as lightly from disdain
As Lady from her Bower—

Of Bliss the Codes are few—
As Jesus cites of Him—
“Come unto me” the moiety
That wafts the Seraphim—

Is it true, dear Sue?
Are there two?
I shouldn’t like to come
For fear of joggling Him!
If I could shut him up
In a Coffee Cup,
Or tie him to a pin
Till I got in—
Or make him fast
To “Toby’s” fist—
Hist! Whist! I’d come!
 Jan 2017 Joshua Dougan
Why am I so afraid of being vulnerable?
Of leaving my heart to bare
Because of the pain I may endure?
The love I may not get?
The ridicule?
The confusion?
The awkwardness?
The awkwardness...
The ******* awkwardness.
Or perhaps, it is maybe something else?
Maybe the fear that this moment
This perfect moment I hold here
Might be lost if I say
I like you.

But then again.
Maybe not.
“I could hear my heart beating. I could hear everyone’s heart. I could hear the human noise we sat there making, not one of us moving, not even when the room went dark.”
–Raymond Carver
you're the georgia sun
autumn's breeze
glow in the dark

i feel
like a sproutling
swaying in the breeze
until i begin to rustle
 Jan 2017 Joshua Dougan

I have seen rapture come
in the shape of the person I love,
in his arms,
in his mischievous eyes,
but rapture is only ecstasy
and ecstasy will eventually
fade into habit and
this fictional fairytale won't
seem so sparkling anymore;
glass loses its luster once the
sun goes away
and fragility is all that remains.
It's up to us to dig through
years of pent up baggage and
discover love in each other's rust.
 Jan 2017 Joshua Dougan
make me a promise
to never make me one
that one about forever.

then tomorrow
let's do the same
until we run out of time.
 Jan 2017 Joshua Dougan
Everyone has Presence
You can't just drink them in when they are here
You can't stare at their faces for 5 hours and expect to be okay when they leaves for 5 minutes
When they are there
with you, by you, next to you
you feel secure
their Presence lingers around you

but when they leave
the Absence replaces the security, the home
you are then left alone
perhaps looking outside, hoping
perhaps letting the stifled tears run, raining
before you wallow yourself in self-pity
 Jan 2017 Joshua Dougan
 Jan 2017 Joshua Dougan
they say that self-pity is the worst medicine
but then again
you were my worst habit
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