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 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
That day
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
You allowed me to walk
Into your resolute gaze,
I had witnessed
The opening of my prison

I'm reminded of when
The Earth was still young
Just rolling in the wind,
Like the way this short poem
Spells out the day we began
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
let me live
**** love I’m done trying,
My heart is big but beats so quiet,
My love for you was so unknown,
But I have not seen you since you have last grown,

God willing I kiss your soft lips again,
Engage in that beautiful tasting ,experience,
My love don’t forget me but instead i say,
**** love I’m done trying...
**** hate gone over left
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
True Story
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
As these thoughts
Sink into my head,
Keeping me up
In my bed,
All I feel
Is that I was played,
Used and abused,
I hear your
Voice in my head,
It's hot and angry
And it says,
"I'll never forgive you."
All I know deep down
Is all I did was love you,
It moved way too fast
And something always
Didn't feel right.
It wasn't until I began
Driving away that I realized
That you are the monster
I had to run from.
The feeling that I can't let go of
Is that no-one would ever
Believe me if I told
The true story.
I had to be brave and share this poem. The reason I haven't been on this site for a while is that I became involved in a new relationship about seven months ago, and I should have known better. It moved way too fast and it felt so right at first but then I began to feel that something was off and kept ignoring the signs.  Now I realize that I was being used, controlled, manipulated, gaslighted, and abused (Mainly verbally but in subtle physical ways). I kept telling myself the reason I hadn't blogged in a while was because I was in the honey moon phase of a relationship when in reality someone was controlling me to the point where I lost my identity.  I thought I had learned, but at least I escaped... last week I left the apartment I shared with him, and felt like it was scary beyond what I can explain that would make sense to anyone.  Grateful to be safe now. Drove 2,500 miles with my kitties. Will have to find yet another new job but safety is the most important thing.  If I tried to explain what happened in the last few months, I feel that no one would ever believe me because it would all sound too crazy and he constantly made himself out to be the victim/good guy in front of his friends/family.  I felt like my head was constantly under water...nothing I could say or do, trapped and always uncomfortable. I want to write more about it now and at the same time I'm hesitant.  I am sharing this not only to release what is inside of me but also in case I can reach any other victims of domestic violence out there.  I now know that the only option is to get out before it is too late! <3
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
Rain on a flower
Rain on me
The sky has a plan
Tomorrow you will see
The sun shine again
In light of today's dream
The little bird no longer flies
she sits and mourns her broken wings
her tattered feathers, faded now
will never feel the breath of spring.

She sings now for the life she lost
a silent sweet lament
such sad refrain, if heard aloud
would break the hearts of men

The little bird falls quiet now,
Her end is drawing near
and not a single soul will know
that she was ever here.
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
You love how I don't love myself,
A little feels like so much to me,
I couldn't tell you didn't love me either.
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
This always happens
I never understood how the storms in your eyes
Could make my heart so still
In the center of your chaos
I found a purpose
A home
Until your eye settle
And stop looking into mine,
I will love you.
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
The Same
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
It is important to remember
Something can be both terrible
And remarkably precious
I can tell you that my father
Has held me with all of the gentleness
And care one would use
To catch a snowflake in the air
He has looked at me with awe,
Love pouring out of him in a way
That overwhelmed the both of us
I can tell you that when my father
Raises his voice, I am still afraid
I do not know which is more relevant
I only know that both are true
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
Max Neumann
you are looking at me
cause you need it...  

i am looking at you
freeway of dreams
we become one
Today is a good day.
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