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 Apr 2014 Jade
Joshua Haines
 Apr 2014 Jade
Joshua Haines
You stab me in the back with a knife,
and I apologize for bleeding on it.
 Apr 2014 Jade
Jonny Angel
She's dark, yet
moonlight glows
inside her soft-eyes
& despite her
I still want
her blackness,
to taste her magic,
to kiss
the devil inside her.
 Apr 2014 Jade
Tim Emminger
I'm just an old hippie
Somehow his spirit has gotten inside me
I'm for peace and love and music
And I like to see my girl in a sundress with a flower in her hair
I'm just an old hippie; I like living free

Some people don't get me
They don't like my long hair
They think I'm just about *** and drugs
And that I don't have a care
I'm an old hippie but your judgment is unfair

I challenge you to read the bible and the teachings of the Lord
Did he teach peace; I believe so
Did he teach about love, understanding and being there for others; do I need to say more
I don't like war; peace and love and music is what I live for
I'm just an old hippie; I like living free
7th Trending Poem
 Mar 2014 Jade
******* for being so far away
******* for making me want you
I can say it certainly is not fair,
What is this, the ******* teacup ride?
I always hated the fair.
Fishing for plastic ducks and shooting impossible targets
Seems like a setup for failure to me.
******* for making me take a look at myself in the mirror
And for making me ask questions
For making me lie
And for making me tell the truth.
Why can't things be easy?
Oh yeah, that's just not how it works around here.
******* for making my imagination run wild.
For casting yourself in the movies my brain constantly films
And ******* for getting the cinematography just right.
I can't look away.
******* because all I have is my imagination.
I can make you whomever I want you to be.
******* for curling your hair and for having those lips
And for being comfortable with yourself around me
**** your small wrists and your quirky characteristics
Your eyeliner and your fingernails
**** your sparkling smile and your hips
And ******* for making me want you so bad.

**** me.
**** me for yearning.
**** me for learning
That it's not that simple,
That nothing is set in stone,
That people are confusing as hell.
**** me for taking the time to write this poem
**** how angry it's making me
And **** the fact that I'm writing it because of you.
The angriest poem I've ever written. But I think it actually turned out okay and somewhat entertaining to look back on. LDR life.

— The End —