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Love out of touch, we could not bare
Alone, with loosed arms overreaching
And love sparkled dancing,
On the breaking rim of a star,
Innocent and new under the constellations
Of the pinned gods' eyes.

We told ourselves the story of ourselves,
Each one, a penned, perfect fable,
Each one a journey into the dark,
Under the faint and rising milky ways,
Where even shadows, poor,
Are always, almost, lost.

Out of conception, and pining dream
And the myths we most want to make,
Out of dream, would we soon awaken?

This then is hope, a stroke, as we dressed,
Children spinning yarns below the stars,
Is the game, the game of let's pretend.

We would not bare, love out of touch.

////  • ||

/   (   (   \


                                      .( she )

                            see her

(Image on the wind ).        


She ain't for sale




Sailing on the wind



Drifting on the wind


If you can't love her

Without her being your lover

She'll  laugh in your face


She is

The embodiment

Of the Whole
Human Race


The road


Thru the hills


Start dancing !

Start moving

To the tune of

The Universal. Will

) !(

Drifting .....  Winds of change


She so lovely !

Drifting on the wind

We be movin

The dance

Of holy pure breath





Looks for love !!!!


And all us HP babes

Here in ****   City

Ready to compromise


With our siren song

And our ******* !!!!


( if you  don't *****

You might have a good ole time

Day by Day )


& if you're stupid enough

You might call it ,,,,, love


Oh well

We have become

The walking corpses

We      ****

It ain't pretty

But we ****


Sweet YE lovely child

We walk the road

( you & I )

The holy road

Into the pure night

In the mountains

We find each other

In the light


Oh the filthiness

Of our lies !

We say our

******* is love

But afterwards

We attempt suicide!!!!


Our love is a lie

Our life is a fraud

Our poetry


Violation of the law





You & I

On & on


Out of the madness

Out of the madness !

If you


To survive


Lovely child

Mother of tomorrow

Washing the slutiness

From your eyes
If a mouse could fly,
  Or if a crow could swim,
Or if a sprat could walk and talk,
  I'd like to be like him.

If a mouse could fly,
  He might fly away;
Or if a crow could swim,
  It might turn him grey;
Or if a sprat could walk and talk,
  What would he find to say?

Little one


I shall meet you anywhere

( we go back a real long time )


you have no need to feel ashamed


We have our sacred images

 Oct 2015 JAK AL TARBS
happiness arrives in a moment
and departs without a whisper
fleeting is constantly cyclic

blue sky hovers over teal sea
gold moonlight bathes pebbled shore
tide silently ebbs away froth

still i look to find a reason
for the disintegration of persistence
and the integral content of content
Eyes first greeting light
Out of void universe born
Infant stars crying
Spotted light on lake
Plaintive cry of single loon
Full moon in his voice
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