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Deep in the chalk of gloaming flame,
The tawn and pale, of moan and loon,
Where under leaves of forest shades,
The crescent rails of the riding moon,
Here is when the quick blood running
Drains with shear seepings and looks,
With eyes agape, small game stunned
Over pines and green hemlock wood,
The ferryman wings and clawing tears,                                                                
Whose silent strike and low red raking
Blasts unto an indifferent lane of peers,
This is the house of apparition's name,
A mages fugue, muffled muses reprise;
The **** song which creeps as sun dies.
I'm a ghost
In your bed.
An empty memory
Residing in the sheets.
I'm the Nothing that
Resembles everything.
I'm better off dead
Than living inside
Your head.
I'm working on a series to get over an ex. This is the first of several. #overhim
 Nov 2014 JAK AL TARBS
shoved down my throat
while I gag
eyes are tearing up
each water droplet filled
with lies I found out months later
smells like onions
makes me sick
and I cant breathe
I spit it back up
tastes like cow tongue
makes its way up to my head
pandering on the meaning
on its depth
as it kills my brain cells
I cant stand it
it doesn't make sense
a contradiction of actions versus words
I took medication to redress the monster from
my mind
its floating in my cheeks
I am not flustered
don't be fooled
more like filled with animosity
of a fictional belief that we all should lay bare
I refuse to swallow what is held inside me
what you forced me to postulate
I wont let it sink into my heart
I spit it out
while we kiss
its now with you
and I've never been so illustrious to do something
such sweet revenge
I hope you choke on it
 Nov 2014 JAK AL TARBS
I wonder if someone knows how this could possibly be?

Am I the boogie woogie cat, or a stray dog?
Or maybe, just maybe.................
It is the captain of some ship

who is it?

My darling I would do anything to have you back
I would consult the dark lord in his throne

The love I have for you is beyond my words
I would go through dungeons and different worlds

I would face three-headed creatures on my way
To get you out of the darkness that holds you

O mighty dark lord, please may you spare the life of my wife
Under one condition that she doesn't take one look back

If she does I will capture her and imprison her in my kingdom
And she will be gone forever and ever
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