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My lover asks me:
"What is the difference between me and the sky?"
The difference, my love,
Is that when you laugh,
I forget about the sky.
There are some things
you can only sing
but never say

There are some things
given out but once
in the foray

There are some things
that the world lays claim
and takes its due

There are some things
past the cloud of time
you must pursue

Living on the edge
is sharper
cut or not

Dying for that
final answer
knowing what

Praising what the mob
is damning
come what may

Loving what the
moment seizes
— counterplayed

(Dreamsleep: August, 2024)
 Sep 9 Antonia
Never mind, I take it back

Never mind, if you're still mad

Fine, but you'll just drag it out

Fine, nothing to talk about
You are digging yourself a hole, and don't say I didn't warn you
 Sep 9 Antonia
To prove that you are right
Don't do something wrong.
 Sep 9 Antonia
I only write,
I am in love
Falling apart.
I want to be available
to the people who love me.
I want to be there
emotionally, physically, financially.
I want to be their shoulder
their crutch, their solace.
The person who does not drop anything.
I want to give the feeling
of lightness to every being walking this earth.
Every human, creature, and plant
as they grow up fast.
I want to be nutrition,
a steadfast superhuman
so unfazed, so cool-headed.

It infuriates me
that I'm not this person.
It should be so easy to give.
If I just get my **** together,
I've repeated on and off again
the last five years.
But somehow, I always manage
to waste enough time
to get there,
but late.
When I have nothing
left, a hollow person
someone gave too
many tries.

Still, the people I love
tell me I'm wise,
an angel body.
Like they must justify,
who I am,
the imposter
the transient,
always planning,
for when she can
run away again.
 Sep 9 Antonia
JJsbdksndkkdmxmjshJustletmediemmmkbhbxjdnxnbdjxbdnxnnxnxnImsotire­dofthisnsjs nkksbdndnbdthese tears wontstopjdjdnn znjsnndudndkdknfkdmssnfnjdndnndbdbdbdnWhythepainstilllivesin myheartjjxnxjxjdn mykdjdvjsndjcjndndncnxkxnkxndkdkjdnskxhjshdjddndeImsofuckingtired­msnndksnxonshxidnkxndjsjdbjdkslmsndjjdbdisbdjjdksndjdhbsndnndjdjd­ndnd

Youllneverunderstand me
 Sep 9 Antonia
you see,
that’s the problem
with being the strong one
who always offers others
a hand
everyone thinks that you
don’t need a hand and
they think you have lots
of surplus energy and no

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