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 May 2015 Chelsea Gonzo
JR Potts
I live with all the women I've broken
in a cottage in the country
and in the evening we drink tea.
We talk sometimes of love
but mostly we speak
of how much we hate me.
Its cold as **** out here
Here, in our winter coats
Jack Daniels poured down my mouth
I can answer questions with eloquence

Full length gloves
A father and daughter dance
Lips full of expression
I was taught how to flutter
Like a social butterfly,
The best.

The men
Boys, guys, fools
Interchanging phone calls
Walking as William Penn stares down
You will have to yell my name,
This time.

"I don't want you to be mad."
And like the old hollywood movie star
I secretly seek to be
I turn, drama in the air
"Don't make it about me being mad. Make it about me being GONE."
Waltz, turn, lead, hair flipping away
Movie credits begin.

Its 3am and I hear the voice of possibility
But a girlfriend and I, we laugh
Like we are 5 years old again
Sometimes you need to just go home
To your childhood best friend in the bed.
hold a thought and lose it like I have Alzheimer's
I see as different I like I have Parkinson's

Broken and sent to the trenches in and out of the face of it
Been made to ride kinds that were unkind to me
Seen friendly enemies and changing friends as if treatment has analogies

In the function of this gumption
I am found stumbling in a swing that relays me to all I can be and all I
really am
Showing me all things that are and abilities for all that I can

Been relying on society and its complex definitions ofwhat it takes to
be a man
Poetry shows an epicenter of the balance between male and female
Having nostalgic thoughts of a former fossil me that still remains
Swerving in the beat of my heart dispelling emotions that are hard to
Stripped in wires for like of espionage, wrapped in coinstrains all I
can rely on is my restraint

Taken trips to Heart-so-raw and the cats scratch and wound like
Had a love once before and that was before the timeless heartbreaks
where I ended up shutting doors
... And the exes have hexed, coaxed the perplex complex of the poular
axe illium crest of thoughts mislead-ium chest __ Oh how raw, Earth's
crust of fix-fuss no less than confuse thus us so we don't trust, we are
waiting for our rests on the Cosmic tree tugs if not space lugs.
How deep does dysfunction spread in the Universe? verses in unison == the break up of a duality make-up== so its parts seeking for a glued shape-up; Integration.
Still pond reflects moon
I reach for it's silver disk
My touch destroys it
I saw a star that sliced the sky,
and to my surprise
it sliced twice

thrice the flash,
I rubbed
my eyes,

was warned

I saw a cloud that filled the sky,
and to my reprise
its light was

lightning flashed
I rubbed
my eyes,

was formed

I saw the sun
inside the

behind a cloud
and inside
a wound,


I was
When did it visit me?
I really don't know when.
It came out of nowhere,
I feel that it's a sin.

Naked in the shower,
washing up clean.
I felt this little lump,
scared and unforeseen.

Feeling all alone,
I looked up to the sky.
Fingers locked together,
I asked the Lord, "Why?"

Now, I lay in silence,
while the tumor grows inside.
Putting up these walls,
all I do is cry.

Months have gone by,
with the chemo and the draws.
The sickness took my *******,
now that's the final straw.

It's been six months now,
I struggled for my life.
I beat the **** cancer.
My mother is a breast cancer survivor. But I also wrote this for all the survivors and to the ones to whom that lost their battle with this disease!  PLEASE SHARE AND LET THIS TREND!!
 Oct 2014 Chelsea Gonzo
 Oct 2014 Chelsea Gonzo
The boulevard knows I don’t care
My hair’s messed up sometimes
These cobble stones remind me
That roughness has its charm

I turn a corner, find myself
In a whole new street of dreams
The fountain whispers to the wind
That nothing stays the same

As I wander unknown alleys
Each junction poses questions
Every showcase I walk by
Displays what life could be

Each passerby’s a promise
A sample story to be lived
The hilltop view reveals all
Of the possible paths to take

Strolling squares and avenues
I am searching to get lost
To find what I could never find
Where shortcuts are the norm

The cathedral proves to be the x
On my worn-out treasure map
The stained glass lays a mosaic
Of nuances on my heart

The arches paint perspective
Into my constricted reference
Their majesty lifts up my head
Compels an upward glance

The wideness resonates a truth
That shakes me to my core
The carillon sings an anthem
That accompanies new strides
 Apr 2014 Chelsea Gonzo
The stars they soar
As your smile it shoots through my veins
Demolishing the remains
Of previous trespassers
And the imprints they left.
You brush away soiled footprints
With one swift kiss
Placed delicately on my lips
And in an instance,

I am cherry cola bottles,
Cotton candy, funfair rides
Without a care in the world
I am racing down slides
With you i am ebbing with the tides,
Not against.
I am nights on the town,
A princess with a crown,
A smile, not a frown,
I don't drown today
All because you say
You love me.

I am floating
Floating high, high as a kite
I am amongst the stars and beyond
There is no need for a magic wand
To make my dreams come true
They are all embedded in you.

Chemistry pulsates between us
Two women from Venus.
The looks we exchange put to shame
Any love sonnet or story
You call my name
And angels sing
The joy you bring

With you I am strong
There is no matter of right or wrong
With you I belong
I am the most beautifully
Constructed piece of literature, song.
With you I am alive,
And living
This love your giving
Oh this love your giving
Could feed thousands.
With you I am complete
And there is no need to compete
For satisfaction
Because with you I am always satisfied
With you I am ebbing with the tide
Not against it.

You are the fight I swore I had ran out of
Months ago
You are the sheer beauty, purity and excitement
Of glistening snow
And I know wherever I go
You will follow.
You are the gentle breeze
The moments I seize
With both hands
And tie tightly to my heart
Every day is a fresh start.
You don't weigh me down,
You lift me up,
With you I stand on mountains
I drink from fountains
I laugh and smile
And for awhile
I am me,
The me I always sought to be.

And though the sands of time
Sift peacefully between us
Your grasp it tightens
There is no need to be frightened.

There is a reason for everything
You are,
My reason for existing,
A ring, a promise.
Safe and sound,
Til the ground parts us.
We shall be partners.
In crime, worlds at a time
We dance, our romance
Something that could never be crammed into words
Or wrapped up in poetry
For we,
You and me.
Are infinite, eternal.
And what we share
You will always be my first and final

Love, love, love
I love you.
like a bird
without wings to fly
in the night
darkness takes the sky
falling in
your own confidence
brings you down
even just once
the results are profound
causes so much pain
physical but without burns
and emotional stains
sound out
let go
let your voice ring
as the moon
the brightest thing
dont hold back
just be who you are
push through
heighten the hour
live life
This poem is two in one. You can read only the italic words as one or the regular words as one orrr put them together for a whole new poem:)
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